Originally posted by jojobeach:you call your own child an "it" ? No wonder you are not so keen paying for it. it is not even human in your eye. How sad.
You are leveraging your wife's $3000 so you don't need to pay a heftier sum. If she has to stay home and care for your child.. how is she going to make that $3000 ?
If she has to work, who is going to care for her child ? Bring it to work too ? Leave it at home alone , like a dog ? Train it to pee and poop and eat from a bowl you left on the floor ?
well, it does not survive on diapers alone. it needs more than diapers. it will grow up and as it grows, it will cost more and more. it will soon outgrow all your baby purchases, you'll need to purchase more age appropriate items all the way until they can make their own money all by themself.
Maybe you use toilet papers to wipe your child, feed your child tap water and sunshine, basically let it grow like a weed or a pet dog. When it falls sick it will crawl its own way to a doctor who will care for it for free. Perhaps eat other people's poop so it can immunise itself from all the diseases in our world.
I am a mother, my child cost about $2000 per month . According to research a child cost about 250k-300k just to raise them , not including cost of education.
I make sure my child gets quality clothings, eat good nutritional food, enjoys toys that stimulate her brains and learning abilities. Go to the best school for learning and enrichments. All these are not cheap.
And my husband made sure he has adequate life and health care insurance for the family just in case something bad happens to him.
We are saving up for my child education from day one of her birth. How much are you socking away for it ?
And you think your meagre $450 is gonna cut it because the court say so ? Tell that to any sensible, responsible father, they will balk at you.
I feel very sorry for your it. It's father earn a decent $4500 per month, but cares only for himself. Maybe it can burn those money for you during your funeral, if it is willing to attend.
I do not know what you are thinking divorcing your wife when your child is only 9 month old.
Singaporean men like you sickens any woman, I hope you get yourself a vasectomy. Don't bother father another child ever again.
Looks like you are making a living out of giving birth to a child. S$2000! ??! I am sorry, myself and my ex were HDB-flat-living ordinary singaporean.
Originally posted by "newbie":Bro, be a man...
$450 is really peanut. You are comparing diapers is 418 for a huge bag?
normally 1 bag can only last a week, a can if milk ard $40 can last a week.
Children get sick almost every month, a normal GP (note not PD) will cost around $50/visit.
If go childcare in future, after subsidy is easily $400~600 monthly.
clothing almost every month need to buy some, unless you want your child to look like slop with over size clothes then is another issue.
if without a maid, infant care after subsidy still maybe need to pay $700~900 monthly.
if you think your $450 is so big to a child, counter propose that the mum show all inv on amount spend on kids and she apy $450 and bal you pay.. I believe the mum will be jumping with joy...
You are right. But child-care need not be considered now. the mother can ask me more when my child go to child-care. The rest of the things what it need considered already and fit well within 250 dollars as per the budget shown by her lawyer and scrutiny in the cross examination. Note that y child is 9 months old. It is not relying anymore on formula milk-food alone. It takes cereals as well. My child is good. In the past 9 months, only once was my child sick. so no doctor fee. Guess it has inherited my gene correctly. Mother pays another 590 for maid and levy. the maid is used by other 6 members in her house. Judge should have asked me to pay one-half of S$250 and one-14th of S$590. So I should have been asked to pay only S$200. Since the judge wanted to be kind to mother, she has asked me to pay S$450. I agree at the moment. don't want to appeal. Have got other works to do.
It seem quite obvious you are not the care taker of it since day one.
You are so ignorant to a child needs, and will continue to be absent from it's life. Destined to be the absentee father.
Because you are so un-engaged, you will forever be fighting child payments due to your own ignorance.
May I know why you have chosen to be so uninvolved yet had to father one ?
Your child is only 9 months old. Baby formula is still needed. Cereals and other solid baby foods are only SUPPLEMENTS. Parents feed their babies formula or breast milk till age 2 nowadays, according to up to date Pediatrician's guidelines.
Yes we all know that our mothers used to feed babies water. All those yesteryear mothers practise has to stop. It is no longer practised in our time. So forget what your mother tells you, speak to a Pediatrician instead.
Your child will need IMMUNIZATIONs. When was the last time he/she went to see a PEDIATRIC doctor ? For the first 18 months, one visit per month for immunizations shots and well baby checkups. Subsequent booster shots according to doctor's schedule till 18 years old.
Judge not being kind to mother, judge being kind to you the retarded father. What's the point of you earning so much money ?
Every time your child needs more money, your ex has to go to court. How much is that gonna cost her ? Don't both of you need to work ?
Your child inherited your gene ?I say you should just sterilise it so no more bastard like you in the next generation pool.
Originally posted by Taj.deen.84:Looks like you are making a living out of giving birth to a child. S$2000! ??! I am sorry, myself and my ex were HDB-flat-living ordinary singaporean.
With a combine income of $7500, and living in HDB flats, you and your (ex) wife shoulda be living a cushy and comfy life together, raising a child easily and be able to provide a good life for him/her. Going on family vacations every year and living the life most average Singaproeans can only dream of.
I can see your bitterness, the only reason for such animosity towards the mother of your child is that you got BOOTED out didn't you ?
What did you do Taj.Deen ? Got caught suckling on another woman's tits when your wife was at home breastfeeding your baby ?
She tossed you out after some bad shit you done.
May I suggest you don't let pride get in your way. Wise up and try to reconcile with your ex, make the family whole again.
Oops, "Jojobeach", so much vulgarities and disgusting stuffs in all your posts.
And you want to charge every month S$2000 for your reckless pole dance, bitch ? I wish you had been my x. then you will end up in getting S$200 every month for my child. I can easily break the reasons you quote in court
Originally posted by Taj.deen.84:Oops, "Jojobeach", so much vulgarities and disgusting stuffs in all your posts.
And you want to charge every month S$2000 for your reckless pole dance, bitch ? I wish you had been my x. then you will end up in getting S$200 every month for my child. I can easily break the reasons you quote in court
You wish I am your x ? In your dreams my friend. My husband provides for the family without me asking.
A person like you dont' deserve any respect, so vulgarities and disgusting stuffs are much suited for you.
You fight your own wife, and you fight your own child over money. You sure seem very proud of that loser-ish behavior.
Go ahead, keep lying to yourself that you're such a great guy. You are fooling no one but yourself.
Originally posted by jojobeach:With a combine income of $7500, and living in HDB flats, you and your (ex) wife shoulda be living a cushy and comfy life together, raising a child easily and be able to provide a good life for him/her. Going on family vacations every year and living the life most average Singaproeans can only dream of.
I can see your bitterness, the only reason for such animosity towards the mother of your child is that you got BOOTED out didn't you ?
What did you do Taj.Deen ? Got caught suckling on another woman's tits when your wife was at home breastfeeding your baby ?
She tossed you out after some bad shit you done.
May I suggest you don't let pride get in your way. Wise up and try to reconcile with your ex, make the family whole again.
$7500 can even buy and eat suckling pigs or ducks, but to suck other neh neh, even $17 500 also not enuf. So bad, feel so sorry for the kid.
hallo, so unladylike - what neh neh here and there - disappointed with you lah
Hello, in the first place, I am not mend for you to get appointed or disappointed, please get this clear in you head!
which head, i got 2