Originally posted by [imdestinyz]:
Classic example of wad we call paper cannot wrap fire.
its no more a classic, now paper can really wrap fire, wax paper
No no... I don't think I am that office guy who posted in the previous thread...
Anyway, everyone know that a guy should not screwing another man's wife, and a gal should not be sleeping with a married man... But people tend to ignore this and continue doing it for the excitment I guess... I'll tell myself not to make the same mistake again... Ha!
cervical cancer, unlikely, as she is still young. But a possibility.
second kid, highly probable, as she do not want the kid to look like you.
STD, unlikely.
impress you, maybe, if she want a chance with you she need to show she can be trusted by stopping the shenanigan.
Hey! I just read the news about MP Yaw and Angela