what is the lawyer fee in Singapore.
I am fighting a maintenance claim. The case is in court. I am acting in person. I feel the judge is biased. The judge treats the lawyer of the complainant with dignity, and be polite to him. I see double standards in the remarks in the trial. Looks like I will loss the case due to prejudice.
When I appeal, I want a lawyer to act for me. How much his fee would be ?
1. How much he would charge me for every hour of appointment I book with him ?
2. How much he would charge for doing the ground work for my appeal ? (Like going through the affidavits filed in the present case, and framing the appeal reasons)
3. How much he would charge for the mention-days in court (the session would be only for 10 minutes)
4. How much he would charge for half-day trial session in court ?
u ask for free goverment lawyers.
No such government lawyers. There is something called, "legal aid beaureu", but I am not eligible as my pay is higher than the limit they have set. I have to pay for the lawyer.
You need a lawyer.
depends which side got adultery
Actually from my experiences in court, the judge usually takes great pains to protect the litigant in person. The judge my be polite to the lawyer as a form of respect between professionals but by law he's supposed to protect you from and sometimes even advise you on all the legal jargon the opposing counsel would throw at you. And I'm pretty sure he's extremely lenient when it comes to you filing your paperwork.
Depend on your attitude towards the judge.
Eh...let me guess...u are a guy fighting for the maintenance case in family court? if so....dun waste ur time la....i got friends who are lawyers...they say in family court it is very one sided one....they will always side the women one....so u are better off saving ur money and paying watever maintenance n alimony she is claiming against u la.....hehe
Oh btw fighting a divorce case is not cheap..one session day of court as far as i know cost between 8,000 - 10,000 dollars woh.....tat's why i say only dumbass get married nowadays...esp with woman charter around.....
As for u...prepare to fork out money for the rest of ur life unless ur wife remarries or have an early death....
Oh btw alimony and maintenance is also adjustable woh....so the day u earn more or she suffer from an accident or watever she is allow to upz her claim....
You can opt to give or not to give alimony even if the court decides you should be giving. Most of my friends with children whose husbands were involved in adultery did not give alimony. My heart goes to these women.
Well, since it is the judge problem, get the judge contact, call him and bring him or her out for a nite of fun. Lawyer fees come in 2ways, prepaid or by %
For what I know simple and direct case, without a need to research much, the filing of the case and presentation will cost about $ 3 to 5 K. Google and search for a lawyer firm and discuss the prices. They have a price list.
It actually does not cost much to have a lawyer representation, unless it is a complicated case.
There are also percentage cost in lawyer fees, meaning, in most cases, especially in lawsuits and civil cases, a lawyer may want to include expenditure cost, time cost and the degree of the case percentage, for example, he may need to network with the judges, the prosecutor or the defendent due to your case, he may also be under the limelight of the media due to your case and the time needed for all these are also a cost to him, as for the degree of case, the negiotiation of wining the case, draw level, less charges, acquittances and no case is also a premediate cost. Just like, if I manage to win..how much??
still nobardie working out the sums for him?
Your majestic,
working out the sum also need a price, we had send him the quotation, but still no reply, nothing is free one leh
typically in the thousands but if the maintenance claim is little, no point going through the pain. if the purpose is to revenge, no point creating more hurt for oneself. Alimony is the hardest to enforce - better to get flat fixed sum at split time than to think of getting monthly sum. You can ask the divorce lawyer who did your case to give you a quote. It varies lawyer to lawyer. So there is no fixed rate.
Lawyers may go into a contractual agreement with you if the recovery or claimed amount is huge and somehow take more effort to fight for it, eg, if you are claiming a 2million asset or cash lawsuit against your spouse, mostly unfaithful men, the lawyers may want a certain % of it. Given the right %, he or she will be better motivated to work and fight for you
I have seen the bill up to S$30k or more. Fatten your pockets , get ready for the bills to feed the lawyers.
Dear All,
Thanks for overwhelming suggestions. I am bit confused. Let me wait for the judgement and see how. If it is not too bad, i won't appeal.
Wish you all happy newyear
Got children? Court listen to the children. Like me, i got a crazy mum, i choose my dad, court give custody to my dad. Monthly alimony $1, now give like 30% of assets.
Damm, she made my life hard, full of debts. have to sell my house to a cheaper one, so fustrating.
Not forgetting that she refused to take her pills.
U can only escape alimony if adultery...problem is u know how hard to prove adultery in the first place....lololol
Yalor, even the bailiff will tell you he is paying alimony because he is unable to prove it, more so, after working years with the judge, still no face given when it come to alimony case.