The only way to forget him is not to think about him and channel that energy into something more useful and meaningful. A dating expert once said it's good to invest 20% of your time in meet new people and widening your social circle thus creating a social life. Meeting new people does not necessarily mean finding another potential dates. Meeting new people simply means get to know people with common interest, ideology and create a social circle.
Okay, I'm really too sleepy to continue typing. I just had my medication. I will reply again tomorrow.
You posting the second thread about your ex boyfriend, is he really worth it to waste bandwidth?
REading your thread yesterday, he did not show great interest or interest at all in you, time for you to wake up and move on. If you don't you are doing yourself disservice. There are many guys in the world he is not the only one.
Sandy, i want to know you!!! I'm sure alot of guys here would want to :D
in the world of equality as championed by your own gender, it doesn't matter who takes the initiative....
men has suffered for too long.....its time to break the GENTLE-man code....and
BE A MAN (without prefix)...
move on. plenty of dudes out there.
don't bother trying so hard to forget him.
Ask yourself, what worth remembering him ?
He didn't treat you right.
He is not that interested enough about you.
He couldn't even be bothered when you break up.
You are his girlfriend in name only.
One day he will find a girl he truly like, then you'll get pissed off when you see him doing all kinda good stuff for her, never to you.
Unfriend him bah.
Why torture yourself with the stalking ?
Wait for a guy who treats you well.. someone who really wants your companionship.
Originally posted by Darkness_hacker99:Okay, I'm really too sleepy to continue typing. I just had my medication. I will reply again tomorrow.
Where's your reply? Tsk.
@Sandy You should just keep to your previous thread.
You're checking up on him because you're feeling upset that your relationship had turned out badly, and you want to know whether the breakup has affected him as much as it affected you. I can give you the answer: No. If you're hoping that he's just hiding his feelings, I can tell you the same answer: No.
One will value a relationship not by how much he/she receives, but how much he/she gives. This is why the breakup has such a strong impact on you, but so little on him. All I can tell you is, move on. It may take a long time for the wound to heal, but if you continue looking up on him, you're just rubbing salt into your own wound.
Originally posted by jojobeach:don't bother trying so hard to forget him.
Ask yourself, what worth remembering him ?
He didn't treat you right.
He is not that interested enough about you.
He couldn't even be bothered when you break up.
You are his girlfriend in name only.
One day he will find a girl he truly like, then you'll get pissed off when you see him doing all kinda good stuff for her, never to you.
Unfriend him bah.
Why torture yourself with the stalking ?
Wait for a guy who treats you well.. someone who really wants your companionship.
Aiya, sista, maybe she miss the sex lah, he might be good in bed you know. We gals are more prone to weakness in relationship, we are also more sensitive to the reaction and the reasoning, many do not understand a guy mind as good as you and me lah. From their crook look, you know what they are thinking liao, cannot miss one. But unfortunately, many gals like TS are lamb mei mei waiting to be slaughter, and some even do not mind to get slaughtered, they enjoyed it, so what can I say, quite a disgrace to our womenfolk indeed.
Try this
Sorry, most here would rather imagine a black hole or black hair than a black curtain
Originally posted by jojobeach:don't bother trying so hard to forget him.
Ask yourself, what worth remembering him ?
He didn't treat you right.
He is not that interested enough about you.
He couldn't even be bothered when you break up.
You are his girlfriend in name only.
One day he will find a girl he truly like, then you'll get pissed off when you see him doing all kinda good stuff for her, never to you.
Unfriend him bah.
Why torture yourself with the stalking ?
Wait for a guy who treats you well.. someone who really wants your companionship.
I concur
I second
TS, I really dislike people like you. Just what are you hoping for- that he will come back?
Be aware that what you see on his profile may not be pleasant.
Originally posted by Sandy17sandy17:
Hey angel, I don't disadvantage myself by having sex with a guy an breaking up after that.It pays to be more civilized and �身自爱 rather than having sex b4 marriage.I think many parents would agree with me on this.
Originally posted by alize:TS, I really dislike people like you. Just what are you hoping for- that he will come back?
Be aware that what you see on his profile may not be pleasant.
Hi Sandy! You need to ask yourself is he the kind of man who will
1) Bring out the best in you
2) Someone whom you can call your best friend, best confidante, best play-mate .
Do you think life will be better if you are back with him?
With a boh-chap attitude like his, do you think girls will really be with him for long?
I believe what you need is a revamp of your current lifestyle.
1) Avoid stalking him. You need to heal your own hurts .Why add salt to your wounds by seeing his FB.He's not even worth a glance.
2) Discard/put away anything that reminds you of him.All emails/old smses ..have to be deleted.
3) Upgrade yourself to boost up your own confidence. Your youth is your strength. Enhance your hairstyle..whatever..explore make-ups etc.Refresh yourself with a new look. Tell yourself you are going to have a new better life - in 2012.
4) Involve in activities with your friends and keep yourself really busy .Time will heal.There are so many worthy single guys out there looking for serious love.
5) You can call 1800-2214444 if you need someone to talk to privately , unburden your heart (24/7 counseling line).
Lastly, if you are feeling down at times, please remember that it is because you are at the adjustment stages. Give yourself time to adjust to life without him. One day you will look back and tell yourself ' I wish I had broken up with him much much earlier!".
Wish you well here. :)
I know I am stupid.
Originally posted by angel7030:Sorry, most here would rather imagine a black hole or black hair than a black curtain
haha screwed then
So many day no reply = means patch back liao