You have a clear objective of what you want. Not many people are able to think clearly. Personally bring them out for dinner, and discuss this nicely and explain that you are putting your career as priority. If they love you, they will stick with you for as long as you accomplish your objective.
Career and Relationship can mutually complement each other, you just need to find the right way. It seems like the current relationship with your girlfriend is stopping you reaching your goals. I would say... tell your girlfriend about this and ask her to be more understanding. For guys, career is very important.
IMHO - priority right now would be to sort out my r/s. If you continue the way you are, both of them will end up hurt (isn't this like the show on Channel 8?!).
I think the ultimate balance between r/s, career and family comes down to priorities. Yes, the ideal situation would be all 3, but the fact is that when some issues arise, one has to prioritise. This varies from person to person and situations.
As mentioned, discuss your career commitments with your partner to avoid misunderstandings. Try and spend time with family too......perhaps doing stuff with your gf and family at the same time if that is possible.
You need strangers in a forum to council you about direction of your life? Period.
Originally posted by Bio-Hawk:You need strangers in a forum to council you about direction of your life? Period.
When people come to forum ask for opinion, most likely and in most of the case, they already have a pre-set answer to their question already. They just want to find forumer who support the idea.
don't worry about having to give a reason for your post/thread.
if what u say about not wanting to hurt others is true, then you ought to know what you're doing. If u chose to do something against your own values just so that u can keep up with your friends, then be prepared that others will not see the same reasoning.
Dun worry about gal crying, it is just part of our weapon to make male hormone move emotionally, we still got other weapons, some are for mass destruction.
While, naturally we understand that ALL boys like to play, it is either play now or later, if they play later, it will be playmen, so give and take, all men are the same, just a few of them are different, for your case, you are so called the average normal toward the psychic side.
Originally posted by angel7030:While, naturally we understand that ALL boys like to play, it is either play now or later, if they play later, it will be playmen, so give and take, all men are the same, just a few of them are different, for your case, you are so called the average normal toward the psychic side.
That's is my profession.