What is your opinion about revenge? Would you take revenge on someone who wronged you?
If revenge is wrong, then why do police exist? Why is there death penalty in this world? Aren't they getting revenge on those murderers who killed others?
If revenge is wrong, does this mean you will keep turning your other cheek and letting the person slap you? If a person keeps abusing you, does this mean you will continue to let the person abuse you? Ok, you may say that you will report the person to police, but when you report the person to police, you are subconsciously getting revenge on the person because you wanted to see him end up in prison. This is also known as revenge, even though you might deny this.
Let's debate on this interesting topic.
It is hard to let it go especially when someone did something wrong on you and you want to return him back, an eye for an eye. Even the closest kin will not easily let it go too.
In the working place, colleagues stabbing each other, colleagues wanting to take revenge, colleagues waiting for opportunities to hit you back for what they did on him.
Even now, I am still resentful towards certain colleagues but I seldom return but learn to let it go.
Revenge is not good. It will rob you of a good life. To execute the revenge you need to be in an evil frame of mind. This will blacken your outlook towards life. You would would never attain happiness or a good life.
You stop that guy from abusing you. But that doesnt mean taking revenge.
You report the person for abusing you to stop him from abusing you, that also doesnt mean taking revenge.
Revenge is good. Revenge teaches the guy a lesson on the way he treat you was wrong
Everybody , I am sure, ever take revenge before.
It started off when love ceases to sustain overtime, due to poor education having the only objective of pursuing materials, political interest with others, instead of harmony, joys and peace
Dont mistake revenge with punishment.
revenge i think is generally unnecessary from a spiritual and characteristic pov, but in practice as mentioned, we probably do it in some form now and then.
death penalty (handed down by the legal system) is not revenge....tis punishment. If u kill someone as punishment because they touch your Ipad, maybe that's closer to revenge?
If someone keep slapping u and u block...that's not revenge. If it means u have to punch their face in, in order for them to stop, then that's probably not revenge either. If you punch his brains out simply because he accidently rub your cheek...that's wrong.
Revenge is good, it is part of our instinct and emotion that makes the world goes round and round, without revenge, it will be a boring world and many people might lose their jobs...
There is a Chinese saying "怨怨相报何时了“。Meaning there is no end to revenge. It may go on and on till you lost track who was the one started first and who had done who wrong in the 1st place.
Taking revenge is just like a person who is holding a hot coal , ready to throw at his enemy. Before he can throw at his enemy, he got burnt by the hot coal first. It is ok to be defensive but don't be offensive.
Law 15
Crush your Enemy Totally
All great leaders since Moses have known that a feared enemy must be crushed completely. (Sometimes they have learned this the hard way.) If one ember is left alight, no matter how dimly it smolders, a fire will eventually break out. More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: The enemy will recover, and will seek revenge. Crush him, not only in body but in spirit.
Man are born to be revengeful, not born to just sit there and rot.
Depends.......you just have to consider the pros and cons.....
I think you should take into account the greater good of you yourself and also of other people.
You need to consider your own's welfare and wellbeing also.
By thinking about revenge, dont you think you are being consumed by hatred ?
Why not just let it go.
Imagine all that energy and all that emotion being put into positive and constructive aspects of your life instead. Why care so much about that other person and being so fixated on him ? Isnt it harmful for your own life ?
So I say revenge is not needed.
Unless if it is something that is not only related to you......for instance someone wronged your family, loved ones, your friends who you care, or something that is very important as a matter of principle, then maybe yes, for their sake you may need to take additional actions.
Since young, in nursery and kindergarden, we already harboured the revenge emotion, take revenge on our mates and so on, and even our parents, who use to curse and talk about revenge on others, somehow cultivated us to be in such a way, they will alway said, Angel, the outside world is a dangerous place, you dunno what will hit you, when grow up, have to be careful, you may not know that you have disturbed some people, and in return, peoples take on you...
was the curry cooking day counted as revenge....?
Yes, it was both a revenge and a show of might. Wars are revenges, so are office politics, you backstab me once, next time got chance, i stab you deep deep...
If this topic was posting in the Buddhism Forum, I think I would appreciate the discussion of this thread better.
Ai yah, without revenge, everyone thinks that they can do things without consqences. now, gov. very scare of anonymous. anonymous attack govt. in the name of censorship or whatever.
they go hack and steal money. its also revenge.
Sweet Chen is incapable of revenge because he is unable to experience the emotion of anger. Before we mock him, we should realize this is one sign/symptom of his neurologic disability. Of course, there are macho idiots [yes, you all know who you are!] who will ridicule Chen for being so passive and not standing up for himself. Again, you must understand that his psyche is wired in such a manner that the emotion of anger [which is root cause of the desire of revenge] is completely absent in him.
Originally posted by Warm hearted man passive:Sweet Chen is incapable of revenge because he is unable to experience the emotion of anger. Before we mock him, we should realize this is one sign/symptom of his neurologic disability. Of course, there are macho idiots [yes, you all know who you are!] who will ridicule Chen for being so passive and not standing up for himself. Again, you must understand that his psyche is wired in such a manner that the emotion of anger [which is root cause of the desire of revenge] is completely absent in him.
its okay as life is a tough crowd, 32 and your still growing up now.
Warm hearted man passive.... is Chen's mother or someone that loves Chen?