The course I took for DPA was Biomedical engineering at NP it wasnt my only choice but it was the only one which I got called for and got accepted. At first I was okay with the offer till after perlims which I got L1R4 - 12pts without CCA and 10pts with CCA
EL- C6
Emath - B3
Combi sci&phy- A1
Combi humans - A2
Core History - A1
CCA- A2 (-2 pts)
Biomed engineering pts - 16 COP
Pharm sciences at NP - 10
Applied chemistry with pharm sciences at sp -12
I realised that I wanted to strife for Pharmacy sciences at NP or Applied chemistry with pharmaceutical sciences at SP. Firstly because those courses offer a more science related course and also because I felt that I wasnt good in my math and I took Amath once only to fail at it last year so I didnt really want to take an engineering course. My reason for taking biomed engineering was due to the fact that I thought it would be more based on biomedical then engineering and that it would give me a bright future but to my regret and because I didnt really research on the course earlier I realised that it was actually more engineering related which was not in my interest area. But then if I drop the offer my chances of getting into poly would be lowered.
In life, a diploma is just a stepping stone to higher education level. I have personally seen adults with multiple degree from different field. After you complete your diploma, move on to university for biomedical science course. In the meanwhile, take your time to appreciate how this field of engineering and biomedical science can help benefit mankind.
Best regards,
Chin Seng
Homework Forum Moderator