i'm a salesman, and often go out for promotion of the products and services. little pay but hard work and overtime working hours. i almost lack of sleeping hours, and at most 6 hours to stay in bed, no time to relax, not even much time for a leisure meal. in a word, all the thing are in a rush. i almost live in high stress and pressure life, so, until now, i do not have GF, not even many friends.
any one has good advice for me, how to relax myself and lead a comfortable life not like now?? should i change my job? and what job should be good for me ??
pls, guys!
Change your job. Upgrade yourself
change to an inside job lah, so simple
change your job
Change you self pity. Its easier...
Be like those Chinamen, they start at the bottom, they learn, they copy, and they start their own business competing with their former employer.
work is hard n hard at work, hard works dun guarantee triump
work smarter , try plotting n develope a skill
Originally posted by lce:work is hard n hard at work, hard works dun guarantee triump
work smarter , try plotting n develope a skill
>implying that you are a schemer....
Originally posted by Aneslayer:>implying that you are a schemer....
bad man scheme, gud man plan
I shall insist that schemes are inherently neutral in morality values... Only the victims and skeptics think that its bad XD
Originally posted by lce:
bad man scheme, gud man plan
and gay man is the best
Originally posted by Aneslayer:I shall insist that schemes are inherently neutral in morality values... Only the victims and skeptics think that its bad XD
wen someone is the victim, its no longer neutral
Originally posted by lce:
wen someone is the victim, its no longer neutral
Its nothing personal, its only business.
there are unwriiten rules in biz, but only for the nobles
As some has mentioned, 2 issues you need to address:
1) personal development, meaning further study or upgrading your sell. Make yourself more marketable.
2) improve your self-image. (self pity, self esteem, etc).
Frankly, dabin, outdoor sales is hard, but it is also one that will gain you most experience you need in life, which is, rejection. You will also have the chance to understand the character of human, and their buying needs/pattern. So, it depend on how you look at it.
Just like a glass 700ml filled with 350ml of water, is it half filled or half empty? Both are correct, but the mentality is different.
Those who are thankful will say 'thank god (or whatever you believe in) i have glass half filled with water!'.
But to those who are perpetually complaining will say 'ai ya, I only have half glass leh.'
So, assess your current situation, see what you are good in, and capitalised on it, and watch out for your weakness. See where the market is moving, and steer towards that.
(This, in marketing term is known as SWOT analysis.)
Wish you all the best. :)
some time the flexible timing, some boh bian, some like the title, some like the allowances (can mis-use), some like the sleazes, some just can never detach from the old sayings.
your life is yours to command, except the last breath and when. until then why come here ask us?
join The Apprentice and hope you don't get fired.
or join the amazing race, and see how amazing you are
How old are you TS?
What kind of sales job are you in? Need to knock on residents doors or asking pple on the street to buy products?
What is your qualification?
huh, got knock door salemen meh???