Come on brother, move on.
If the relationship has ended, there is no point in mending it. If it is yours, it will come back. Move on.
What you should remember is the good time you have with the girl, and treasure it. Be thankful for those things.
What you should learn from it is, how to live with people. This is an art that requires a life time learning. Take each relationship (that has ended) as learning experience, with the goal of building up a better relationship that is coming.
Believe me, after so many years of marriage, I am still learning how to understand my wife. Male and female are just wired differently. I enjoy marriage life, may be the mystery make it more interesting, with new things to discover everyday.
Don't look back, move on.
its part of your growing phase to see through the cold realities...i would say congratulations!
u need to break from your past and move forward with a great focus on the well being of yourself and your family....
u have felt you have lost something to hold on...its always been there and now lost...
and u r trying so hard to regain it....which is called memories...
its no longer there, in reality, though you keep holding it on in your heart...
u need to break and smash the illusions with your own hammer....its part of life....
u can do it, bro!
Good luck!
If you still cannot break or smash it, the other options can be jump or go reservoir
Hi Angle,
Don't say that. Life is precious. Won't you agreed?