Sigh, meeting my past classmate who like to crictise me. but now, i wish to handle it in a mature way. how?
2 ways
accept it
ignore it
thank her for her criticism
tell her it will makes u a better person
Yer fren is not perfect. I am sure she has her flaws. Criticise her back if she attacks you. SHow her your angry face, then she won't mess wif u next time.
then catfight?
punch her boobs.
Learn to accept criticism.
No criticism no improvement.
one can learn to accept criticisms...but not vulgarities
Originally posted by Jiani:Sigh, meeting my past classmate who like to crictise me. but now, i wish to handle it in a mature way. how?
It depends on what critism.
Learn to accept classmates' differences... I would tell that to your friend. If the critism is lame.
Change for the better, if the critism is useful and makes you a better person.
Insensitive people critise others openly nevertheless.
Settle it on Street Fighter.
Best of 3 fights.
Wow, I share many mutual sentiments.
Well, in dealing with this situation, it depends on a few factors bah, such as:
1) How deep both of your friendship is, how much do you value the friendship you both share.
2) How do you regard the criticism your friend gives you, is it positive criticism or negative criticism; if you regard it as advice, or words that hurt you.
3) What is the motivation of your friend making that criticism. Whether your friend is trying to help you to become a better person, simply running you down or your friend is drawing to conclusions because she doesnt understand you enough. If you friend has hurt you, perhaps she did so unwillingly, her intentions could really be good. I think this is the most important point for you to know.
4) Whether do you think your friend has the grounds to make that sort of criticisms on you.
From there you can decide what you want to do loh.
If you are really hurt by those criticisms, you could either end the friendship but that is rather drastic to do and just words alone shouldnt warrant ending the relationship you have. Your friend may not have purposely hurt you like what i said.
Else you perhaps want to give your friend a chance and let your friend try to repair the damage between yr friendship. You should let your friend know about it, that as your friend, she ought to spare a thought to your feelings and she needs to be more sensitive and careful with her words in future.
Or bring in another mutual and neutral friend to confide in. Tell that friend how you felt about the criticism of this friend and this mutual friend could act as a middleman and convey the message over to the friend. Like this you may avoid certain awkward moments. But really have to make sure this friend is neutral and not add any salt and vinegar, twist your words and make things even worse than it is.
My classmate and I in very bad relationship.
Crictism and insult is different
So how to face insult in a mature way?
If its insult why face it ? Heck care it. Or scold back. If its crictism, try to reflect on what your classmate said. If she made sense, then try to change, if not then heck care it And whats the crictism about
Originally posted by gunner77:punch her boobs.
Lol...what if it's a guy?
Criticism or fault finding?
Try and distinguish between them.
If you are not on good terms with that classmate, then avoid her, and if you can't then ignore her and walk away.
You are ok, hold on to that, and let others see whats going on, and they can decide who's out of line.
Don't get into a mud slinging contest.
Just ignore her la. Why u go and talk to her. Treat her as bitch lo. If guy as bastard. You dun earn a living from him. Huan lo.
Most importantly, u got chio bu with u and a sport cars. Pocket got money go eat restaurant. So huan yi. Why care about him/her.
Anyway, i no time to entertain them this kind of shit. Mature ma. Just siam, stay low profile. Go for holiday. Drive my car for a spin. Shoick leh.
Originally posted by Jiani:Sigh, meeting my past classmate who like to crictise me. but now, i wish to handle it in a mature way. how?
Find a bf la. Get marry and give birth to son. Den your thinking will change and become more mature. At least u care.
For me, 1 gf is enluff. I no time to entertain so many girls.
Originally posted by Itedino:Find a bf la. Get marry and give birth to son. Den your thinking will change and become more mature. At least u care.
For me, 1 gf is enluff. I no time to entertain so many girls.
31 or 13 leh? sound like 31yo liao leh.
So after poly, your parents stopped you to date girl, no wonder you never date me.
oh, u like cute one, i see
Originally posted by angel7030:oh, u like cute one, i see