I am a pupil in FHSS. My class is like ostracizing me. I was never popular,i just want friends. No one in my class understands me. I might be tomboyish. Im sensitive. I speak without thinking. fine,true. But dont people deserve chances? I apologised,I changed. Then I discovered a class group without me,where the guys were talking about me. No,nothing about how cute or pretty she is. More of how bitchy and arrogant she is. When you see a entire group with hate messages,with those you thought were your friends not even bothering to defend you, it hurts. All hell broke out then. I took the screenshots,printed them out. But I never actually told anyone. I just stopped caring. And when the discipline master came in with a different bullying case everyone turned to me. In class,in front of the adults,im like "Oh heck cares" but im dying inside. Even during project work my teammates left the group because im inside. Whats wrong with me? Why does no one like me?
First of all, be honest. You think you're very superior, is it?
how old are you?
is there such thing like fhss?
Firstly,FHSS is an abrreviation of FuHua Secondary School.
Secondly,Im twelve.
Thirdly,I dont get why Rock^Star thinks that I think Im very superior. I dont. I just want people to accept me for who I am. I dont want to have to change my entire personality to fit in. If thats your definition of Superior,fine with me.
12 still in seondary school?
You remind me of someone
Its okay, life is a tough crowd, 13 and your still growing up now. What you did and heard is not what you would be.
Well, it's just a probing question :) Seems like you have some growing pains. Just my 2 cents worth....you said you want people to accept you for who you are; that means you have some sort of expectation, perhaps even unrealistic. In life, we blend in....instead of others unto us. If you insist your way, universal forces of life are going to come down hard on you.
Look at those who are popular in class....are they team players? Are they the kind who people want to stay close to because they emit some sort of positive glow and energy? What other attributes do they have which make them likeable? You DON'T have to be like them, after all, you are your own person BUT you can learn some things from them. BIG difference you know....at this age, you want to be your own unique personality but you don't want to be seen as copying others too.
Be ready to say sorry when you screw up, people can sense that sincerity even if they don't initially appear to. Always process words in your brain before you speak. Good luck....
Yeah,I'm 12. My birthdays in December. My two cents worth of the most popular girl and boy in class,well,The girl is pretty,good in some subjects,tall,but she's really fussy(is that the right word?)about the kind of friends she have. Hangfing out with either the rich,pretty or smart. No one but those. The most popular guy hold grudges. I dont really get why he's popular at all. I mean,he's smart,rich,but once you say something wrong to him he's like "WTF how dare u say that"and then he starts hating on you. Then his friends will start to dislike you. And those that like him/his group will start disliking him. Like last time in class a classmate got blu-tack on his hair. I offered to help remove it,and this other guy sitting behind me was like "Oi you dont touch my bro hair lah bitch!" I dont even have someone to talk to after school,or during breaks. The teacher sees me sitting there alone all the time and everytime she says that she can help,and she always sees people ostracizing me and she doesnt even do anything. I feel like something that can disappear one day and no one will notice or care.
The one thing all of them have is that confidence. The confidence. They can walk right up to a huge group of upper sec people and start a conversation. They aren't even shy.
check out the sticky for helpline to call
Jiani school reopening soon , hope u enjoy your life in school.
Originally posted by Worlddomination1998:Yeah,I'm 12. My birthdays in December. My two cents worth of the most popular girl and boy in class,well,The girl is pretty,good in some subjects,tall,but she's really fussy(is that the right word?)about the kind of friends she have. Hangfing out with either the rich,pretty or smart. No one but those. The most popular guy hold grudges. I dont really get why he's popular at all. I mean,he's smart,rich,but once you say something wrong to him he's like "WTF how dare u say that"and then he starts hating on you. Then his friends will start to dislike you. And those that like him/his group will start disliking him. Like last time in class a classmate got blu-tack on his hair. I offered to help remove it,and this other guy sitting behind me was like "Oi you dont touch my bro hair lah bitch!" I dont even have someone to talk to after school,or during breaks. The teacher sees me sitting there alone all the time and everytime she says that she can help,and she always sees people ostracizing me and she doesnt even do anything. I feel like something that can disappear one day and no one will notice or care.
The one thing all of them have is that confidence. The confidence. They can walk right up to a huge group of upper sec people and start a conversation. They aren't even shy.
its okay to be yourself, but 1 quality i dislike is that don't think before you speak. but i hope you changed.
You got to be a lot more thick skin. People obstracize you, you got to confront them. If they don't talk to you, force them to talk you. If they boycott you or treat you like you don't exist, don't invite you to their functions, confront them ! Tell them off in their face. Taruk them. Then, they will respect you.
You think before you speak. So what? You are only thirteen. You didn't kill anyone, rob anyone or made a big crime. You were just being yourself. So don't think that you have done anything wrong or there's anything wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you. Its just politics. You got to make them respect you. Show your angry face and ask them why they treat you like this. If they go on, be persistent. Until they respect you.
Yes confidence. Confidence makes you charming and look good. People generally fit into the society or group, not the group fit into you. In schools, do you have any friends ? Find some friends and hang out together as a group or clique. Thats why in school, you see different groups of ppl hanging out together. If you fit into that group then join it, if not join others.
This kind of thing is common in sec sch.
Go find fellow school mates whom you can get along with.
find out whats wrong first....if its just a couple, thats fine...if the whole class then something is amiss....social skills are better honed while at school...this is your formative years of your life...make the best use of it and learn to make more friends as much as possible..
there were people who had been ostracized for many things...from looks, appearance, etc. ....do not let them hamper your progress in life....
some of the greatest men who were ostracized....
Galileo - for discovering that the Sun is at the centre of universe and not Earth;
Demosthenes - for stuttering incessantly, and then became the greatest Greek orator
Marconi - for the discovery of wireless telecommunications and became Father of Radio
...lots more....
its what you can do and contribute that matters at the end of day
You from Fuhua isn't it, I know some of their teachers and the principal too, the place is at Jurong West st 41 or 42 is I am not wrong, alway think that it is a good school with good students, never think one will post here.
Oh, I was then when I was doing a poly project
Originally posted by Worlddomination1998:I am a pupil in FHSS. My class is like ostracizing me. I was never popular,i just want friends. No one in my class understands me. I might be tomboyish. Im sensitive. I speak without thinking. fine,true. But dont people deserve chances? I apologised,I changed. Then I discovered a class group without me,where the guys were talking about me. No,nothing about how cute or pretty she is. More of how bitchy and arrogant she is. When you see a entire group with hate messages,with those you thought were your friends not even bothering to defend you, it hurts. All hell broke out then. I took the screenshots,printed them out. But I never actually told anyone. I just stopped caring. And when the discipline master came in with a different bullying case everyone turned to me. In class,in front of the adults,im like "Oh heck cares" but im dying inside. Even during project work my teammates left the group because im inside. Whats wrong with me? Why does no one like me?
Reading your post I find it ironic that you ask "Why does no one like me?"
You heck care about others, and they heck care about you.
People react to you. And how they react, depends on how you conduct yourself.