You hv waste yr chances.
Lots of people wanted to go poly to study but unable to.
Call the poly admin office to check for your status.
then enrol lor, what is the problem? be focus
Poly life too hard?
When you go to poly aft ns, you are probably 25 years old or even older!. then you move forward to degree, think you gonna graduate by 30 years old. You sure this is what you want in life? people age 23-30 are already working and earning decent salary. Many already save enough for flat and car while you are still studying. It will be damn demoralising.. BUT! if your dad is a business man. then i doubt u need to think that much.. and i'm just being realistic..
Poly is not hard if you stay focus like what angel7030 said.
huh? when i was in poly, guy with one leg also attend and get his diploma and went on to university, there is olso one gal with a crooked head and a malfunction arm in my group, she took the hard way to travel to poly, poor IQ, but studied so hard, was one of my best friend, now graduated working as accountant, and you only last for 5 weeks due to high blood...omg! i think you go attend IMH better lah
bro, make sure you choose a course that best suits you. many of my friends dropped out because they chose the wrong course. Nitec or not nitec can still make it one. I flunked my O'levels (D7 for maths) and could not enter into poly actually but one poly accepted me in and I've just graduated recently with a decent GPA of 3. (Who says O'level students that go ITE cannot make it to poly?) You can do it too, its all about understanding why you are in school and what you are studying for. Good luck, never give up or in. Age is not a barrier.
In singapore you have no choice. Maybe you will appreciate studying after you been through NS. Dont give up on your education
i didn't go to poly and i'm enjoying my life now.
i only wake up my idea in the military.
but my friends say i am a bad example for people who do not study.
i study ite
go army
sign on
leave military
earn more money running my own business
The older you go into poly, the harder it is to make friends...
i withdraw poly once, wasted a year, and then i went back. it is pretty common for people to withdraw. and some reasons are due to having no friends. what is done cannot be undone! since u have dropped out and decided to want to enrol back next yr, u should now try to plan for your future, convince yourself that you must graduate with a diploma so that you wont withdraw yet again, and meanwhile keep yourself busy with activities..
it might be impossible to enrol back into the same poly, because i got rejected, u might want to consider another poly.. and consider wisely which course you are most suitable for.
ya, it called the withdrawer syndrome, many youngs, especially guys fall into it, so i suggest that whenever you think of withdraw, why not think of attack, be offensive can be sometime, better than defensive.
Think carefully before you act..
Now 20 years old,
+ 2 years Army
+ 3 years Poly
Got diploma at 25 in order you dont fail
Singapore Diploma ur salary will be a kept at only $1800-2200.
Majority will get a degree..
If u did well go ntu/nus, 4 years and u graduate at 29.
Alternatively if u are an average poly grad,
SIM takes about 2-3 years
By then about 27-28 years then you graduate.
You start work at late 20s while people probably getting married, owning house and having car.
Your parent are probably getting old but still have to provide u the education..
No friends is just an excuses. When you go out to work, do u think u gonna work in the company where your frens are working? No, this doesnt make sense. Learn to be independent and stop giving excuses abt life. U choose your own life and you will face the consequences.
try to eat more choon seng eggs and stop braggin like a gay
Originally posted by Choonkeatn:um i already thought about all this already but thing is when u really get in the place u want to be i started to think that was not for me.and about how old i would be plan to stop only at diploma only. don really plan on going uni if poly already that bad i think i will not go uni liao. i really don have much confidence to do anything now. like to think i will go army sort my mind out and try to stop thinking this way. any way i already lag behind a lot of my friends in life, no harm being more behind right.just hope i will try to get it right now.
Hope army treat you good then.. Good luck!=)
Originally posted by Choonkeatn:um i already thought about all this already but thing is when u really get in the place u want to be i started to think that was not for me.and about how old i would be plan to stop only at diploma only. don really plan on going uni if poly already that bad i think i will not go uni liao. i really don have much confidence to do anything now. like to think i will go army sort my mind out and try to stop thinking this way. any way i already lag behind a lot of my friends in life, no harm being more behind right.just hope i will try to get it right now.
it is never too late lah. it is just a few years late...whats more important is you know what you really want to do.. even if u want to go uni take part time course lah. you lack confidence, you have to try to figure out what are your strengths... take a course that you know you know you are better at.. if poly dont have, take private one at least it is something you like..dont go blindly, do something you dont like and try to make it only makes your life hard......
I heard lah if u dropped up nextime go back study harder to apply.