Im turning 30 soon and I feel that my life is heading nowhere. When I was 20 - 25 years old, I always told myself that life will get better and just go with the flow.
But now it seems more apparent that its going nowhere positive. I feel that now I've hit the rock bottom of my life. Money, my parents getting a divorce soon, Im the only one working and my pay is not enough to pay all the expenses, no savings, my elder sister quit her job without a very good reason even though she knows she got bills and insurance to pay monthly.
Her only reason was her company requires her to relocate to the east side where we live in the central side. And she is just too lazy to wake up slightly earlier in the morning to make it to work. Her working hours are better than me. She only works 10am-7pm daily and one off day & one half day. Whereas me, Ive to work 12hrs twice a week and sometimes after coming home ard 10pm, I have to wake up like 7am next day for work. How hard can it be? I admit I dont like such shifts but its not everyday. I dont really like my current job but I cant quit as I need to pay bills.
And now she isnt looking for jobs, she's waiting for her friends to recommend her. And she slept like whole day at home. My mum has problems walking so she cant work and my dad is one hopeless, pathetic loser who care less about the family.
I heard that death is the only way we can be free from all our problems on earth. But Im too afraid of the pain. Its not that I wanna end my life now, but I just dont know how am I gonna continue living if my life is only filled with negative things.
When there is nothing to look forward to in life, then accordingly there will be nothing to look forward to in death too. When you die like this, the death will be just as bad as life, maybe even worse.
Your sister has better sense than you.
Try walking to Beijing. You'll have a wonderful life.
Let's just say, this difficult period will eventually come to pass. When will it be? I don't know but I know if you choose the easy way out of living, then have you considered the additional burden on your family? You cannot be so selfish to only care about your life.
Your sister is probably lazy but if I were you, I don't want to think about how she live her life as long as she don't take money from you. When she does, ask her find a job and make her own living.
I've been to rock bottom of my life and during those time, I just keep thinking, God loves me and is merely testing my character/resolve and I will rise up to God's test. I'm absolutely sure if this is the worst period of your life, what is up ahead will improve in time. You're only 30, what about those people who go bankrupt during their 50s? I have friends like that you know coz they in biz line.
Anyway, take heart that life is much worst elsewhere, you just never been there so you won't know. Take for example, a life full of fear and poverty and hunger in North Korea, if they suspect you want to leave the country, they will also put you in torture prison camps and your whole family too. Contrast that to your current life.
Sometimes, all you need is a different way of looking at your life and you will see despite all the hardships, there are some light in it.
So young and lovely yet having a painful mind. Is a good doubt whether is suicide ends everything, if it really does, all human would end theirs, instead of going through so many trouble of living to make daily is positively magnificent and amazing if you have the know-how, goes simple. Hope that the below will help you to open up a box of doubt to investigate your loving self and its surrounding...cheers!
All phenomena in this world cannot escape the workings of the wheel of rebirth. It is because of the workings of rebirth that we are reborn into a blessed or suffering realm of existence, of which there are six. The life processes of being born and dying are examples of rebirths. Changes in nature are also manifestations of rebirths. There is the change of the four seasons. There is the time cycle of past, present, and future. There is the cycle of day and night. These are temporal types of rebirths. The change of directions and the movement from one place to the next are spatial types of rebirths. In short, everything around us is the result of rebirth. The wind blows and gathers the clouds; clouds turn into rain, which falls to the ground. The rain evaporates into the sky and becomes clouds again. This continuous process of the water cycle is a form of rebirth. When an automobile burns gasoline, it generates energy and produces carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants. When the plants die, they decompose and become natural oil deposits many years later. This is another form of rebirth. A light can be turned on, off, and on again. This is rebirth, too.
The wheel of rebirth is not only found in changes in the universe, it is also evident in the many changes that one experiences during one's lifetime, from the time one is born to when one dies. According to scientific research, there is not one single cell in our body that has not changed in seven years. In other words, our body is totally renewed every seven years. The cellular structure, perception, and cognition of all living creatures, from simple organisms to advanced humans, are constantly moving, changing, living, and dying. This constant state of flux, renewal, and metabolic change that we experience physically (birth, old age, sickness, and death) and in our minds (the forming, existing, changing, and ceasing of thoughts) is what we call the wheel of rebirth. This can be compared to the cyclic motion of the wheels of a car. The wheel of rebirth is also at work in family relationships; at one time we are the children of our parents, and yet in another time we become the parents of our children. The changes in our economic welfare and the ups and downs of our emotions are also examples of rebirth.
Of all the above examples of rebirths, the one that we must thoroughly understand in Buddhism is the wheel of rebirth within the six realms of existence. According to the Buddhist teachings, we humans are constantly going through cycles of rebirth. It is just that we refer to the slow and gradual changes as "forming and ceasing" or "changing and transforming," and we reserve the term the "cycle of rebirth" to those changes that are rapid and sudden. These cycles are the direct consequences of karma. Karma is the force that is created as a result of our actions and thoughts. The force of karma is what perpetuates the cycle of cause-and-effect, giving rise to the endless and beginningless flow of life in which different variations of life forms, such as celestial beings, humans, spirits, and animals are manifested. In Buddhism, this is referred to as the "wheel of rebirth within the six realms of existence." Master Sheng An in his piece Inspiration to Pledge the Bodhicitta said, "All beings and I have been trapped in the cycle of rebirth from time eternal and cannot be liberated. Heaven and earth, here and there, we live in many forms, rising and falling." Yet, this profound and important law of rebirth is not accepted by the many who are ignorant of it. No wonder ancient masters would sigh and lament, "Only the sutras can reveal such truth; only the Buddha can speak on such matters." Rebirth is not a religious theory; it is not an escape or a psycho-logical comfort when the unforgiving moment of death befalls us. It is a precise science that explains our existence from the past into the future. We should develop a thorough understanding of rebirth, not because we are expected to do so in Buddhism, but because this understanding can help us examine our life intelligently.
wow! i fell asleep reading the above, TS may end his life after reading it. So please, no doubt you love buddha, but keep it short and sharp, these are laymen.
Originally posted by Undiscoveredsoul98:
Im turning 30 soon and I feel that my life is heading nowhere. When I was 20 - 25 years old, I always told myself that life will get better and just go with the flow.
But now it seems more apparent that its going nowhere positive. I feel that now I've hit the rock bottom of my life. Money, my parents getting a divorce soon, Im the only one working and my pay is not enough to pay all the expenses, no savings, my elder sister quit her job without a very good reason even though she knows she got bills and insurance to pay monthly.
Her only reason was her company requires her to relocate to the east side where we live in the central side. And she is just too lazy to wake up slightly earlier in the morning to make it to work. Her working hours are better than me. She only works 10am-7pm daily and one off day & one half day. Whereas me, Ive to work 12hrs twice a week and sometimes after coming home ard 10pm, I have to wake up like 7am next day for work. How hard can it be? I admit I dont like such shifts but its not everyday. I dont really like my current job but I cant quit as I need to pay bills.
And now she isnt looking for jobs, she's waiting for her friends to recommend her. And she slept like whole day at home. My mum has problems walking so she cant work and my dad is one hopeless, pathetic loser who care less about the family.
I heard that death is the only way we can be free from all our problems on earth. But Im too afraid of the pain. Its not that I wanna end my life now, but I just dont know how am I gonna continue living if my life is only filled with negative things.
Seems like yr house got those lazy bone genes in it. Relax dude, life is like a ship, it will straighten itself by the bank one day.
I would like to ask TS something.
If you wish to die is your choice, no one can stop you if your mind is made up.
All I ask is could you go to the hospital to donate your organs to others, who needs them, since you do not want to live anymore, please do a good deed by give others some hope in life.
A good heart, liver, eyes , could save others who wish to live a better life.
Go and look at those in ICU who is fight hard just to hold on to their life.
You should be slap yourself for being such a wimp and could not stand such a small setback.
ya, do whatever you like, just dun jump mrt and end up lots of people late for works and bus full of people, no taxis and highway jammed up.
and also dun do it to HDB water tank hor
Haiz, to tell ya the truth, everybody wants to commit suicide but those that strive and perservere know there is no shortcut to solving your problems. Just go and ask everyone, everybody is facing problems. But the difference between us and you is that we face our problems and find the solution. Everybody is too busy to listen to your problems because they are facing problems even bigger than yours.
Take it as a stride. Suicide is the easy way out for wimps.
Sorry to say this, don't get offended but I think you need to get out from your wallowing and wimping and do somethign about your life no matter how troubled it is.
Stop complaining, be a man and start solving.
Everybody has problems.......dont give up and come back up when you fall down.....
: )
who don't have setbacks before
what a loser TS is...
Is it that hard for you to relax, calm down and enjoy yourself, before contiuning the 'fight in life' ?
go do sometime u have dream off all yr life, if u fail then go to hell
u can tell King Yama, I HAVE TRIED n i m gud for nothing
is TS a girl or a guy?
your problems are only the thinnest film above the thick cream below....and you have yet discovered your soul as your nick suggest...
there are millions of people out there who faced the holocausts and disasters which the waves of death brought irreversible pain to them...yet they sought alternatives to live and relive for a better future...
u r just an awaits you to discover its greater meanings
Do not seek to be understood as to understand - St Francis Of Assisi
lol this is my 1st post outside my buddhist forum haha...
TS... please don't do silly things... u will regret you did not enjoy life to the fullest
me too... sometimes have to work late and get up early in the morning...
Originally posted by Fcukpap:your problems are only the thinnest film above the thick cream below....and you have yet discovered your soul as your nick suggest...
there are millions of people out there who faced the holocausts and disasters which the waves of death brought irreversible pain to them...yet they sought alternatives to live and relive for a better future...
u r just an awaits you to discover its greater meanings
Eh bro, come on man, mai talk cock lah.
Simi holocaust, disaster, WTF? Please leh... here is Spore loh. Put the topic in terms of the local context lah.
At any single moment of time, there will always be someone more cham than you, regardless you are some disaster victim, there are still pple more miserable than disaster victims.
But that does not go to imply that just because there are pple more unfortunate than you, you are having a good time what.
TS by all accounts is the sole breadwinner of his/her family and in Spore where living expenses is so high, I can imagine how tough it is to support a family of four with only 1 paycheck. Especially where TS mother requires medical care, dad is irresponsible and sister is lazy to help out.
TS is about the same age as me and at this age, TS should be carving a future and starting a family for him / herself. Yet all this problems is causing TS to suffer not just financially, but also emotionally and mentally. 很辛苦的 lehh.
All these factors is slowly suffocating TS loh, if not why would he/she think about suicide?
Especially when TS has to compel to stay on in a job he/she dont like. Is TS living to work, or working to live?
Dont be so insensitive lahh ~~
woof woof ~ well....u can't please everybody ....
Like you've said: rock bottom. After that, it can only be up. Hang in there.
I am a little curious about what is TS educational level?
How old is TS sister? What is her educational level?
Originally posted by ChoCoChips:å�¾å��有五,而志于å¦ã€‚三å��而立,四å��而ä¸�惑,五å��而知天命,å…å��而耳顺,七å��而从心所欲。ä¸�逾矩
.i. {-_-} .i.