Originally posted by jojobeach:U are a foreigner in a foreign land.
Even if the legal system can't get you... what makes you think the Thugs won't kill you ?
Beware who you fuck with.. and who's baby you kill...
When the legal system is weak.. the illegal system rules...
You want your baby dead... someone else will want you dead.
Originally posted by Falsemove123:Baby is growing? I only wish it'll stop breathing. If it comes out, it'll be like throwing my money into the sea. The baby needs to be terminated at all cost.
Call me whatever you want. I don't care. Yes I'm a very superficial and realistic guy who loves money. Is that a crime?
Dun play play.. statements like those can be more damning than you think you know.
just take your heart out of the situation, break up with your gf as amicably as possible and negotiate to maintain her as a subordinate at work.
if need be, distribute some K$, give the money making machine enough incentives to comply with your methods. cold hard cash means a lot more than issuing her threats of abandonment. carrot and not the stick.
why even think about inducing the miscarriage illegally and leave urself vulnerable to a whole string of lawsuits in the future? you can't force her to abort against her will, it's against the law so don't bother.
if prospects and pickings are good, there is no reason why employees would leave your business. if they leave because they disagree with your code of ethics, just hire new ones with none. if you can't buy the ones who cannot be bought, then fire a few to set an example.
for all the anguish, time and brain cells you're spending to solve this problem, might as well start thinking about restructuring. when this blows over, either make an appointment with a therapist to deal with your misogynistic tendencies, or make an appointment for surgery and get castrated or vasectomized. keep your head low in future. don't shit where you eat and take this as a lesson. must learn how to keep your women in check.
all these problems in exchange for immediate gratification are the real waste of time. very unproductive.
good luck!
hmmmm...maybe false,move123 was raped!
dunnio what to make out of it.....being raped by a female .
anyway...her child is hers.u dun need to kill anyone here.its called murder.they have prisons for people like that.
Originally posted by Falsemove123:That is correct. Being a husband or father has never been on my list. It seems like most of the girls I've dated so far be it Taiwanese or Singaporean all share the same thoughts. BF = Potential Husband.
At this moment, I do not really care if this is a foul play or for whatever reason. A fact is a fact. She is now pregnant and the baby must go.
I see it as Baby = force marriage = divorce = alimony. The denominator almost always revolves within the subject of money. If women out there assume by making yourself pregnant to realise your profits, that is a bad move because you will end up with nothing.
At this moment, she is not willing to go for abortion. The next alternative would be induce miscarriage.
You made the wrong move, you should not even make her your girlfriend in the first place if all the while you are only interested to have a girlfriend to have fun out of it. It is cheaper and no string attached for you just to go to prostitutes for sex.
Originally posted by Falsemove123:For killing an unborn baby even borned baby, I will not have any remorse. Do I have the heart to kill it? Yes I have.
I have to make myself very clear. Baby is a liability to me. If this baby is an asset that generates money, to me that is a total different thing. I see things only in terms of investments and returns. In babies, I'm not able to see any return on investment.
So I suppose in future if you ever gets married you will treat your wife, children, your in-laws and all in the family as money making machines. I pity your future wife, children and all in your family. You are a disgrace to your family.
Originally posted by jojobeach:Your penis is also a liability to you.. the unexpected pregnancies.. the Sexually Transmitted Diseases....
Why you don't chop your penis off ?
I second your suggestion. Good point.
Originally posted by Falsemove123:I'll not hire someone to kill her because I still need her companionship and I love being with her but I won't be surprise if the baby sees the light, I'll get someone to suffocate the baby to death.
Call me a devil. I don't mind because that is my real inner self. My main concern here right now is how to get rid of the baby and stay status quo. I'm sitting in my room expressing my inner self online which I've been trying very hard to conceal and I'm afraid that she might know the real me.
You want companionship go for social escort, you want sex go for prostitutes or social escorts, you want someone to cook and keep your place clean employ a maid. Don't need have her around to be attached to you when you treat her and baby as liability. Best is where life and money is concerned , you go for the non attachment ones. Like that you bring no harm to people. Pay for what you want instead of attachment that you deem as liability.
BTW you are a very good example of an irresponsible man.
perhaps false123 went to niteclubs...found her a good company..n b4 u know it......................a child is born!
if she wants it......then so be it.why u talking about killing n maiming fer what here?
yer mom and dad would only look sad at u for what their son had done in impregnating a gal.what is worse is to kill a lil kid!
tell u the truth...yer mom n dad n u shouldnt look sad for being failures.thats cuz all of u are a buncha failures really.i dun meen to nag here but u have all failed.
so even if gal had yer kid n so on n so forth.....it dun mean a thing to u yer business or whatever!!!
u need to sign a pre-nuptial with the gal b4 marrige that says what belongs to u will be yers only.get a lawyer to advice u.....u may have the kid.....u may keep her as a spouse even though u have a kid with her......whatever...im old fashioned person unlike u who has affairs n get raped by taiwanese gals!
wisest thing is keep yer damn paws off the kid...if u wanna marry n dun trust her ..get lawyers to sign financial prenuptial b4 marriage n live happily ever after.....u may have sex until her tummy burst after that even!
oh yes, this is from the Singapore Penal Code
but then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,u could be a pimp and using the poor gal to earn more $$$$.then u aint shit n piss of a businessman.
THEN .......................I LET FATE TO DECIDE.
IT NOW makes sense !!ya some kinda pimp !!!i have watched movies when im bored in the past.
well...why didnt u say ya some kinda pimp instead of a a businessman???using women for $$$$$$ is kinda immoral.
Originally posted by Director Hitman:but then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,u could be a pimp and using the poor gal to earn more $$$$.then u aint shit n piss of a businessman.
THEN .......................I LET FATE TO DECIDE.
That is my thought.
Originally posted by shanfan:
That is my thought.
see....thats why i hit things so accurate!!!!damn i should be an inventor cun businessman deacedes ago and not yesteryear kinda thing!
has an uncanny unnatural sense of probing minds.:)
hmmmm.........if she leaves false123...he can become a magina!!!!!just find a negro dude for a partner to spice things up!:)
Originally posted by Falsemove123:Hi guys, need some advise here regarding my girlfriend's prenancy. Long story short, I've been staying in Taiwan for the past 6 years and recently out of the blue, my gf of 5 years told me she is pregnant. She is a Taiwanese and I'm a Singaporean. I wanted her to go for an abortion but she on the other hand is hell bent on having the baby.
I've no intention of getting married (No Marriage = No Divorce) but the baby's birth cert will bear my name as the father.
The question is
1) How can I get the baby bonus from SG Government? What documents do I have to submit?
2) How much is the baby bonus in cash will I get?
For your info, all along she loves baby like mad and always wanted to have one without weighing the consequences. I on the other hand, never in my life want to or plan to have kids. She has been on contraceptive pills all along and recently I noticed that she has not been taking it on a regular basis.
eh you piece of shit..you got your answer..not legally married cannot get baby bonus. So fcuk off with the "i love money and i hope the baby stop breathing" attitude before your fcuk up post gets posted for the whole country to see.
What's your offer?
The only thing I like about the TS is that he's very honest and direct in his online persona. But he's honest and asking for advice from others in his evil plan. Is it a illegal to love money? Definitely not. Will you burn in hell after your short life for being evil? Possible. Is there life after death? Based on NDE, so far I did some research and it indicates there are signs pointing towards life after death. But obviously those were based on NDE patients and science can't retrieve any concrete data so they cannot say for sure. Before science was advanced enough, do we all breath? Yes, but it took humanity millions of years to discover oxygen atoms and protons and electrons and of course recently about quarks... Just because science and humanity doesn't find evidence for it doesn't always mean something doesn't exist back then... For all your plans, I won't judge you, but God will.
When I was a nun, I did asked my master about life after death. In buddhism, she of course said that once one have karma, he/she shall return to this world again. But I insist on asking her, then what about the interim part after death before reborn? She kept quiet and do her meditation.
She finally said something which I fully understand life and life after death.
"If you know what is life after death, then what is the meaning of living"
Now laymen, you cannot compare matters and gases with life after death, human quest of life after death will not surface until you dead, for that matter, if one knows what is life after death, then what is the meaning of living now? It will change the way we live and behave
Originally posted by angel7030:When I was a nun, I did asked my master about life after death. In buddhism, she of course said that once one have karma, he/she shall return to this world again. But I insist on asking her, then what about the interim part after death before reborn? She kept quiet and do her meditation.
She finally said something which I fully understand life and life after death.
"If you know what is life after death, then what is the meaning of living"
Now laymen, you cannot compare matters and gases with life after death, human quest of life after death will not surface until you dead, for that matter, if one knows what is life after death, then what is the meaning of living now? It will change the way we live and behave
psst...u overtaken yer medication.it may cause hallucination and reincarnation as well.
Since you like money so much, might as well let her give birth, then sell the baby for lots of money.
Alot of childless couples willing to come up with good money to buy babies.
But killing a life is a no no for me, it destroys your karmic soul.
all i see is a attention seeker
Look people, it's the June holidays now.
Odds are that he's just some pimply-faced kid who gets an orgasm out of pissing people off in an online forum.
The more pissed off everyone gets, the more orgasmic he feels.
Even if he is what he says he is, then he is still a troll who gets a high out of pissing people off from announcing to everyone his dastardly plans.
Best advice? Moderators, please shut this thread down.