as long as u are happy.
290, Joo Chiat Road, Everynite on, except Monday off.
you're just bored with your life
So why do you always want to be alone? are you anti-social? There isn't much I find enjoyable doing alone.. Maybe swimming? =P
work overseas lor. Much more interesting.
Originally posted by Undiscoveredsoul98:Its really hard when comes to $$$ issue. I dont earn much but enough for my ownself. After setting aside for bills, allowance for my mum I still got some left for myself.But here's the problem, I dont have much friends so I tend to spend unnecessarily while Im out alone to kill my boredom. And now I realized most of the things I spent on are not things that has any priority. I dont really shop for clothes. I always buy video games, gadgets accessories, try eating at expensive places.Its so easy to be blinded by money. We feel that spend & spend here and there makes us happy but only to end up with things that we dont actualluy need in the first place.But then again, if we use our salary to pay bills, house and eat only, wouldnt life be boring? While it is possible to have an outing that dont include shopping, we still have to fork out a bit. And here in Singapore, there isnt much interesting places to go. Everywhere you see are shopping malls. And Im still thinking of a place that I can go to and enjoy. A place that I can just go alone, spend less and still enjoy.I dont want to stay home the whole day on my off days as my home has too much negative aura. So its hard to stay home whole day and just play my video games as thats the place that make me feel depressed.
Have you ever heard of the concept " SAVINGS", " INVESTMENT" ?
Have you planned for your retirement and some emergency money ?
CPF is not a retirement account anymore..please don't rely only on your CPF to fund your retirement needs.
Instead of spending on small little things here and there.. why not aim for a big ticket item .. like a property or some good investment instead ?
Try to use your hard earn $$ in a wise way.......use $$ to earn $$, its a good way to spend ur $$ and prepare for early retirement.
If you are not a high risk taker, can try WIne investment, as its quite stable. Unit trust oso not bad.
Dont put too much on luxury items.
Ya, it is good to keep money, if you got money, your future sons and daughter and all those in laws will respect you, if you dun money, god bless you, no one will be at your deathbed.
Do whatever you can, just remember you come with nothing and go with nothing, whatever you have, if can, enjoy it first, if not later, also cannot bring it along, end up someone using it on yr behalf, good luck
Learn to save and invest your money wisely. Its not smart to spend every penny just because you are bored with life and need these money to spice up your life. Someday, these money
Might be for life saving (Touchwood* when stuffs happened and need money for medical treatment. Medisave itself is not enough for critical illness)
Might be for your future house ( Given current pricing is 390k for 4 room, 400k++ for 5 room)
Might be for your Marriage ( Hotel/Restaurant Banquet, wedding package, photo taking etc)
Might be for your future kids ( Diapers, Milk powder, Child Care)
There are many more factors to consider. So you should spend ur money wisely..
Might also be your casket...and all those expenses.
Invest your money wisely so that you can retire early. I look at my bank account for motivation because it can give me piece of mind plus retirement anytime i want to stop working and go relax. Funny thing is, I see it and gets motivated and want to work even harder so that i can leave more for my loved ones.
delve into the spiritual .... its free and rich for your inner world
...and don't give your money to the guru.
yes, instead of giving to those guru, better to give it to girls
Hah, I am expert in spending money in best places. I always take galfren to cheap cheap places in Johor. And then I have relatives in Melaka, always take frens on road trip to eat cheap cheap places and watering holes in Malaysia.
Nothing is 'the end'.
If you know that what you spend is no correct, stop it now.
Make new friends and have some activities that will make your life better.