I am sure I am definately not the only one facing such problem.
I am 16, taking my Os this year and quite frankly, my academically used to be quite okay, I am taking the Triple Science stream (pure) and well my results in the past, at least I will secure 5As(except my languages) but recently this has not been the case.
You see, I am a very lazy fellow. Even as this year being my O level year, I have not been studying. My daily routine will be, once liberated from the school, I will head home, give myself a shower and take a rest, usually refers to sleeping. Then, I will wake up at 8 in the evening and surf the net or being entertained until maybe 2am. Only then do I sleep. Clearly, I do not complete my assignments or do any revision.
If I have a important assignment which requires mandatory completion, I will eventually do but not before 2am in the wee morning as I will just keep procrastinating. This seriously worries me.
If there is a important test, I will only start studying in the wee hours of the morning, until maybe 4am, then I catch up with my sleep. I know, it is such a bad form of habit.
But I just find myself not being able to adjust to the time where my friends usually does at 10. I just keep turning, rolling on the bed. I just cannot get any sleep. This vicious cycle just keep continuing and continuing.
Recently, the effects are surfacing. My results are not as favourable as I will like it to be. And being a triple pure science student, I am suppose to be maintaining a consistant level of result, or even exceed the school's target for me. At a dangerous grade of 17/30 for my very recent biology test, I am very devastated. Other subjects too are falling, my A1s are not maintained, all my sciences are now a C5. A drastic drop of 4 grades compared to SA1 last year.
Seeing these, I feel scared. I know what I am supposed to do, I even have plans but I just cannot find myself a way to execute these plans that will ensures that my results will be better. I just do not have the will to start studying!
At least when I was in Secondary 3, I will at least spare some time of my entertainment doing some revision but now I simply don't! It is very worrying. Teachers are concerned such that they my parents will soon be involved if my SA1 does not prove my ability. Not just the teachers, the principal of my school too is also concerned about me.
But somehow I will, well find my way out to escape the problems, such as placing my parent's handphone on call divert, silencing the phone without them knowing things like these. Very funny, I know. But it is true. I always find ways to escape from a problem. So I think even though they try to help me, beacause I know of the sudden lost in faith from my parent will occur should these comes to my parent's attention, hence I will try my hardest to evade these problems.
I am very worried about my Os, yet I find myself not doing anything despite knowing this will eventually be detrimental to my personal well being and my future.
Is there any word of advice you could share?
Hey Bill.. don't work so hard lah.. some one needs to sweep the streets and clear out the tables you know.
Too many mediocre educated high flyers around in Singapore,.... we need people like you... I am against flooding our homeland with foreign trash.. so we need LOCAL trash like you to do the jobs we don't want to do, OK ? good.
Lol. Just like jojobeach says, if u don't want to become singapore trash then you better work hard. You must scare yourself everyday, when you wake up and before you sleep, u think of consequence of being a road sweeper or toilet cleaner with low pay. Somemore must compete with china and indian workers, so lose face.
Since you cannot change your sleep habit so easily, then don't care it first. You must just start studying. Have you heard of tony buzan's mindmaps? It is very helpful, it help me jump from failing prelim (econs and history both U score to A and C in A levels).
Plus, if you really need help, you must find your school counsellor or teacher. If you don't do anything and just complain you will surely die one. If within the next week you still don't do something, you can prepare to sweep road le.
To TS.
Did anything happen to you during the past and now?
Is it the stress level, love or something else.
You are just giving me your surface problems but I can see that there are inner problems which causes you to be lazy and give up on studies..
Originally posted by jojobeach:Hey Bill.. don't work so hard lah.. some one needs to sweep the streets and clear out the tables you know.
Too many mediocre educated high flyers around in Singapore,.... we need people like you... I am against flooding our homeland with foreign trash.. so we need LOCAL trash like you to do the jobs we don't want to do, OK ? good.
It's not very polite to use the word 'trash' on a fellow Singaporean. It's fascinating how some among us think that they're superior than the less educated counterparts.. and their motivation for an education is solely driven by that. Road sweepers, be in local or foreigners, are humans too, and they deserve to be treated with equal respect. shame on you.
Originally posted by wayne471:It's not very polite to use the word 'trash' on a fellow Singaporean. It's fascinating how some among us think that they're superior than the less educated counterparts.. and their motivation for an education is solely driven by that. Road sweepers, be in local or foreigners, are humans too, and they deserve to be treated with equal respect. shame on you.
Please get off your high horse.
LAZINESS has no cure.
This guys is not disadvantaged.. he is plain LAZY.
If he can get a road sweeper job or a table cleaner.. he is VERY lucky already. The question is.. can he KEEP that job with laziness ?
You are right.. this guy is WORST than the foreign workers.
Our foreign workers are very HARDWORKING people.. they left their homeland to come find opportunity in our land. They don't mind working for meagre pay so they can go home and build their dream. They were DISADVANTAGED due to their country's problem.
So yes.. he is still a piece of Singapore trash. he is not deprived.of.food, shelter, education.... he is plain LAZY.
Originally posted by jojobeach:Please get off your high horse.
LAZINESS has no cure.
This guys is not disadvantaged.. he is plain LAZY.
If he can get a road sweeper job or a table cleaner.. he is VERY lucky already. The question is.. can he KEEP that job with laziness ?
You are right.. this guy is WORST than the foreign workers.
Our foreign workers are very HARDWORKING people.. they left their homeland to come find opportunity in our land. They don't mind working for meagre pay so they can go home and build their dream. They were DISADVANTAGED due to their country's problem.
So yes.. he is still a piece of Singapore trash. he is not deprived.of.food, shelter, education.... he is plain LAZY.
despite the harsh language.....
yes laziness got no cure
i had seen it kill off many smart but lazy person,
someone during mine secondrary school time went from express stream to normal acad and then normal tech ,after that going to ite.
That person scored 230 for his psle..
Ts u need to get ur acts together ,
let me tell you this..during mine primary school days , i was really very lazy ,
mine psle score is only 189 and people branded me as a fat and dim witted boy.
During mine secondrary school , i worked hard ..the point i want you to see is..determination is needed,you cannot be soft.World have no mercy on softies , they got chewed by the competition
dragging mine self to study even when mine grand dad pass away and i attended the wake in the afternoon thus was unable to nap, and proceed to concentrate through the night.
Drinking 5-6 cans of red bull , just to stay away , thinking, solving the question , relooking at the solution not wanting to settle for a B, and appearing at the exam venue with mine hands trembling but still functioning
I may not be iron man but at least i tried mine best during mine o levels and poly days, so i have no regret.You will need to find ur own source of determination...