They not talking about the two leg bedbug.
You could do a handful of preventive measures to prevent them, but it will likely be better if you can have some pest control services.
-- 30 posts required --
Option 1 - throw all your infested futurniture out, have a whole room cleaning, replace everything with new ones..
Option 2 - replace all your room futurniture with 2nd hand furniture with cleaning before determine if they have already laid eggs in the walls, behind the wire casing etc..
Option 3 - Hire Pest Busters and pay top dollar to eliminate the problem, follow their advise accordingly.
Alarm voice: Nuclear launch detected
All hands on standby, ready on command of Kim Jong II, launch pad ready to fire MILO 1, all salvo power up. Ready on countdown...10,9,8...
Originally posted by Ben_Ng69:Hi,
Anyone here has nasty expriences with bed bugs?
My room was infested by bedbugs. Every night i was busy hunting for them and cant get to sleep bcoz panaroid of bed bugs. Last night i just killed ard 10 bugs =(. By the way, what would be an effective method to get rid of them? i have tried -
*washing my bedding every weeks
*air my matress/pillows under hot sun
*use insecticide spray on my matressAnyone know how much does it cost to hire pestcontrol to get rid of it? Thanks!
Most effective way is
1) to throw away your bed frame, mattress. If spread to cupboard.
U must dispose all the items at once.
2) Repaint your room. the bed bug scare the smell of paint.
3) Use kerosense to wash your floor and wipe every corner
4) THe most important is to keep yourself clean everyday. Your personal Hygience should be very poor, bedsheet never wash. Never bath. This will teach u a lesson.
5) Morning please open your window wide wide to let the sun shine in.
Originally posted by angel7030:All hands on standby, ready on command of Kim Jong II, launch pad ready to fire MILO 1, all salvo power up. Ready on countdown...10,9,8...
Target: angel7030
Munitions to enter angel7030
Hi Ben,
If ever you found one bbug do not kill them by squuezing them as the blood stain can also make it multiply.
Just use a lighter and burn them. The smell that emits from a bug being killed with fire will send a signal to the rest.
I did it and I also look for it at every nook and corner especially underneath your wire casing. Burn it and repaint the area as paint will also kill any eggs that is there.
Try putting some lemongrass or any leaves that smells nice as bedbugs do not like clean areas.
If you perspire a lot you would also multiply it alot. Make sure you change you covers every week.
stop leaving your "fluid" on the bed or any furniture when u guys finish masterbuating