honestly, im too afraid to love. it kinda makes me feel vulnerable and out of control.. always holding back. i love my gf but i don let myself fall too deep. how sad is that.
anyone like me out there?
just make love
yea. jus make love. love her hard and fk her deep and she will love u hard and suck u hard
must be u have some bad exp... i got a fren kena cheat by ex. then after a few mth he became a player... wow... totally different person... keep changing gf like clothes...
Relationship/Marriage is a gamble..So instead of avoiding, why dont you face it head on? at least be fair to your girlfriend! If this relationship is bound to fail, tell yourself its okay. another learning experience and you move on. but what if she is the right one for you? and you let it slip away? you gonna be a loner for life man..
agree wif CfCJ...r/s and marriage is indeed a gamble...nobody can prove if the r/s will work out...neither can anyone prove if marriages wil end up blissful or in divorce...i tink wads most impt is to approach the r/s/marriage in a positive mindset believing tat things wil turn out fine...of cuz this dun mean only passively believing but also putting in the effort to make things work btw the 2 of u...at least, if u put in effort and it didnt work out, u can move on without any regrets noeing u have tried ur best...
the equation will end up the same with yr gf, you scare to love her more, she will also be scare to love you more.