i work in a nightlife club as a bartender, recently i was called into the office by the club manager and a security personal(Bouncer) as i was suspected of stealing money i suppose. I was told then to remove my shoes and socks and my pants and underwear. When asked if this was normal they said yes.
I would like to know if this kind of checking is allowed and if not what should i do?
Anyways i did not take anything and nothing was recovered on me.. they then said it is normal as they had received a complaint and asked me to continue back to work.
Please advice appropriately! I am a guy by the way and both manager and bouncer r guys as well.
Most likely you made another guy angry... that's why he sa bo you.. The reason why he angry cos maybe you make his gf smile... ?
do u know that singapore got policeman meh?? no one can make you strip nake unless by order of the authority of the singapore police force.
so what do i do?? proper channel
Make a police report, get the police down to interview them, most likely the boss will sack you, but with the police report, go MOM to complain about the unethical practice, then MOM will call in the boss and you to drink coffee at Havelock road. MOM will advice an outside settlement which the boss will most like agree, if not MOM will enagage a Officer for you to file your case to the labour court.
Going to court need evidence and witnesses, you must have proofs and witnesses, if not, just by your words, it is very easy for your boss to twist and turn, if you have recorded the incident in your h/p, that might had help alot
u can charge the folks for forcing u to strip:
1)outrage of modesty
2)strip search are not allowed even in the civil service and pvt sector unless they are from the law aka police and in the civil service!men with badges!your bouncer n boss gots what kinda badges?do they have any badge?if not they must be from the yakuza!they could even have taken a picture of u striping from a hidden camera even!
are u a girl by the way?are they gays??? theres another charge for the above!
you can sue them but dont think would be much.
next time report them to the police....they would sabo u by planting a satchet of drugs on u then.
what do u think of samurai swords?
ever thought of collecting a few heads using the samurai sword?
U lucky they didn't do a cavity search on yer anus.
i am surprised such a thing happened here in singapore.
they think they are mafia?
they should be gays rightfully.
Did they threaten you if you did not comply to the strip search? Did they order you or did you willingly strip?
u nvr ask them what if they cannot find anything after stripping u since u nvr take anything?
did yr gole dropped?
your employment contract does not have the legal powers of body search - unless with the interception and approval of the relevant authorities...
you can report the matter to MOM and of course the police....but do you have any proofs, witness or any recorded material that could be used to substantiate your claim?
Alternatively, if you want to seek the unauthorise way out of this issue, you can alway visit me to get my Angel666 gang to do the rest for you, you can be assure of top confidential and secret to this matter. We charge by hour rate.
term and condition apply
i say just forget it, unless both of them or one of them touch your pen is or balls.
they check only mah. why waste energy to go fight back , call police or anything unbenificial.
not happy can resign also mah.
nightclub environment... could it be an in-house rule in which they deal with staffs that are caught stealing?
Originally posted by Fire Cracker:i say just forget it, unless both of them or one of them touch your pen is or balls.
they check only mah. why waste energy to go fight back , call police or anything unbenificial.
not happy can resign also mah.
yalor, resign come my place work, i dun ask employees to stripe one lah, stripe for what??
Originally posted by angel7030:
yalor, resign come my place work, i dun ask employees to stripe one lah, stripe for what??
Haiz, Angel7030 practice sex slavery and abuse workers. You want to work for sex trader for wat?