dun think of the "gf" per se...think of good networking and making more friends and learn the art of social network.....in the process.....u may find someone unique...age may not be too important....but too far off may have problems...
place study, career as foremost unless u r as brilliant as Bill Gates, Michael Dell or Suckerberg..
GIrls will like your character de... haha! :-D just kidding..
I mean... If you want to find a girl friend, then you will first have to put in effort in meeting more new friends.
I would say.. for every 100 girls you met, 1 will have the potential.. so try to meet more new friends..
Better socialise more if afraid of lonely, if not, the older you get, the harder to find girlfriends, girls normally will want to get marry,if possible before around thirty.
If you don't start now, I guarentee, you never will.
Studies have to take care, but when free, go socialise, or else, you will be an outcast.
You prick u 19 only want get married...long time la...><"
U oledi say u r loner n always play computer game at home. If u try to go after gal wif no experience, I guarantee u fail wan. U shld go step by step first la. Haven't learn how to walk, now wanna run. U think onot, will you fall flat on ur face? Of cuz la, and it will be painful fall.
So take my advice, like tis. U try to make fren wif gals first. Try to be helpful. Carry their file for them, join them for lunch, etc. Now CNY coming, take chance to visit female fren house.
Then build closer frenship, understand gal better. Once u hv frenship wif gal, then find out wat kind of gal u want? The law is tis: Prettier, harder to get, asking price very high. So u try the easy one first. Go dating, go out talk cock. Then hold hand. After few mth, u dun like, say to her nicely, you want to break up. Then move on next gal. Go on and on, until u find ultimate gal u like.
Dun hurry...concentrate on your career/studies first...you're going NS soon? After NS then find GF, more stable relationship.
Better not la, NS so many guys, afterward turn gay la. Better start investing in gal frenship first.
Go make fren wif less attractive gal first la. U 19 onli, it is much easier to find fren wif gal, they still immature.
oh ok.
End of the day, TS wan someone to intro him girls........ or some girls in sgf would volunteer to be his girlfriend........since he always mention no female friends in his posts.......
no no. i dun mean that.
I rekomen Angel7030.
I highly dun rekomen MissLittleBonkers from IMH.
wah TS, 19yo and still not a single gf? as in ZERO gf, not even casual frens?
if I were your lim peh, i will be very worried for you...
let lim peh tell you, Julian.khor advice i fully support.. u need to go out there and to social social more with many more people both boys and gals, then your chances of finding someone will be better.
Why also social with boys? becos' for boys if you buddy buddy with your boy frens, they can be your good bro and intro gals to you
Also social with all gals, good or bad, ugly or pretty cos they will also intro other girls to you
As far as possible, get into many different relationships.. with each relationship, you may get heartbreak.... u may cry and want to commit suicide, but u will grow and learn with each relationship
you look like a smart guy who knows your faults like play too much computer games and no manners or whatever, so i think you will be smart enough to get gf soon one day
yeah go meet ppl but dont go meeting people from online. most of the time they're not what they seem in reality, and you're just going to be disappointed cos you liked the online persona they showed to you, not the real one. its a waste and a shame and you're going to be even more miserable.
and coffeebreak, dont talk nonsense la. 19 is not too late, omg its not like you're 40+ and the world's gonna end if you dont get a gf or get married. i didnt meet my bf until i was 21 okay. Yami king2005 still has plenty of time. sheesh.
I agree wif coffeebreak n killthheink. Maybe shld relax on meeting online people. Maybe wait until you work n mature then can decide on online people.
Oso about social wif other guys as buddy oso very useful. I last time got a few buddy, they show me how they go after gals. Sometime u can learn from ur buddy who have gal frens. Ask them how they handle their gal frens n how they court their gal frens. Get useful tips.
Go slowly la, u dun hv to go at the pace of yer other frens who hv gal fren oledi. Some people gud at handling gals, some just not so there yet. U have to find yer pace.Take it slowly, if not success, take it easy, sometime tis thing take time n is a learning experience. Take it as a adventure.
maybe you right killtheink.... 19 still young.... but still, start early good what, more chances to learn from relationships... have gf then breakoff, then have gf again then breakoff again, the feeling is different when young compared to some of my very old friends like 40 - 50 yo, then you get more kan chiong.. every relationship like make or break your future
anyway... i was refering to yami king not even having casual gf at his age... then its a long way from starting a serious relationship..
Originally posted by Julian.khor:I agree wif coffeebreak n killthheink. Maybe shld relax on meeting online people. Maybe wait until you work n mature then can decide on online people.
Oso about social wif other guys as buddy oso very useful. I last time got a few buddy, they show me how they go after gals. Sometime u can learn from ur buddy who have gal frens. Ask them how they handle their gal frens n how they court their gal frens. Get useful tips.
Go slowly la, u dun hv to go at the pace of yer other frens who hv gal fren oledi. Some people gud at handling gals, some just not so there yet. U have to find yer pace.Take it slowly, if not success, take it easy, sometime tis thing take time n is a learning experience. Take it as a adventure.
agreed. one useful tip i hear is , dont show that you're desperate even if you are. LOL. the girl can sense it in a heartbeat and then they'll run. hahahaha or worse they play you out.
Originally posted by killtheink:agreed. one useful tip i hear is , dont show that you're desperate even if you are. LOL. the girl can sense it in a heartbeat and then they'll run. hahahaha or worse they play you out.
Ya lor. Very very true. Don't be too aggressive n desperate. Just be yerself.
When you have found a girlfriend, will you look back and remenber those who help you and willing to share her with us?