Remembering 6 months before the exam, for the
first time in his life - he sat in front of his desk focusing study
everyday for at least 4 hours. His preliminary results are so good that
he received from MOE the reward for Best Improvement.
It has been the most touching moments when a mother seeing her son sat
voluntarily picking up his role and shouldered it onto his young
shoulder, especially for a single parent who runs as a father and a
mother roles.
In his English 'O' level Exam, due to his anxiety n has forgotten to
remove his mobile. Only few mins after the exam started examiner found
In Dec 10, we went down to authority explaining this. We are good
citizen who not only abide by rules but also trusted our government.
This incident is purely and sincerely an act of ignorance and was agreed
by the authority too.
But when the result is out, his English is being removed totally. There
is no result for his English and causes him now no where to go with 3As
& 2Bs
I am writing this 4.50pm 12 Jan 11 with heavy rain pouring - and he is
out somewhere today going to every Junior College pleading the
principal. He called to said he got rejected totally and his dream of
major in Biology is totally shaken...
He phone is off now - and I cant get in touch of him... and tots been
running wild as a mother who see such a young man suffered silently...
Have went down to the authority and check on tt results day. It has been
nice for the moderator agreeing that they knew it was an accidentally
& unintentional act. But the board of director has rules to follow.
Does the board of director - the one who hold the key to hold fairness
and justified justice especially to all the young souls of singapore -
understand they are holding the belief system and future of their
fragile young man who is to be the man who protect our land ?
My son has been joking tell me, no worrying for him without a image of
father to follow at his growing stage. He has been sleeping with the
book - Lee Kuan Yew: The Beliefs Behind the Man book next to his bed and
joking telling me when he is in Sec 3 that he has projected Lee Kuan
Yew as his father and Lee Hsien Loong as his brother as role models.
There please justified to a mother who go all way out for her child -
What is your Belief System - The Board of Director leading all the
Singapore Educators ?
Authority in the hand of a man - who is to sharpen the future of our
children - but if it is given too much, the time like now could be used
unjustifically & over-dosed. Once again, I am asking myself, are we
given too much authority to the same government?
An educator must understand, other than follow rules, more importantly,
You don't kill and destroy, you don't cane and authorize ; unless there
is no room for repentance. Moulding our young plant towards the sun is
core of all your practice! When the plant is tilted, what he needs is a
support ; not a chopped off or even bend him towards the darkness !
Even to the death criminals at times there are compassion given on their
act before caused life and death intentionally. THEN, to 15 years old
young man who has acted with innocent heart, i seize answer from the
board of DIRECTOR of Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board ; has
you forgotten your pledge when you took up this role? Where is your
heart of compassion, where is your wisdom and how dare you to hold on
this key.
Told the authority, we are definitely ready to accept the right form of
punishment. But not this kind of unjustified punishment - denying and
affecting a bright young man's learning path at his growing stage
How our country will grow into in future? With the heart of our educator as cold as steel.
How are we going to have mutual understanding with our government as we no longer could communicate with them anymore -
I wonder whats there to use the phone for an English paper?
The examiner should have checked his phone call records and sms records.
But on the part of the candidate, its really a grave mistake ever made. Sometimes you really cannot fault anybody else.
My time was when handphones arent allowed in school, looks like handphone will smear this candidate forever.
Early in the morning, received a call from Vice Principal of Mayflower Sec School.
All teachers & Vice Principal has voluntarily written testimonial for my son individually.
Today he got rejected by poly... continuously straight rejection in a row for these days...
Have just shown him online MIT sharing video on Biology - how wide our
sky are is how wide we could see is not how narrow of our environment.
Difficulties like this is for us to leap higher - to seek the truth from
a high dimension.
Showing him the virtue of our global educators who contribute their
priceless jewels of MIT posting online for unlimited view by public WITH
Told him to be thankful to the darkness for giving the chance to recognize the light
Shall think further how to guide him through this journey - higher wisdom is called upon for...
A sharing to all...
Dear sgguides,
I understand how you feel. That must be a very terrible feelings for both of you. It's painful for you, this kind of helplessness I everyday also experience. I hope your son don't give up his hope.
*word of advice* The more you feel helpless, the more he is going to blame himself.
Have faith. I believe your son have the capability to excel in his academic elsewhere. There are many good private instituions out there, and I strongly believe there will be at least one institution will accept him as a student.
At least my suggestion I can offer to you is try PSB Academy's Bachelor Science course. Before that, a foundation certificate (1 year) is needed. This may be a glimps of hope, and I believe you will find it. You can also try Republic Polytechnic's Biomedical Science, I was from that course, and I know the intake is huge, and I know it's a good course. DAE may actually help get him in.
Listen to what your son has to say. Please allow him to speak finish. Ask about his current feelings and current decision on where he "feel" is the right way to go from here. Ask him how could you help me. Let him know you're there for him, I can tell you are a very supportive mother. Please be supportive of his decision.
Best Regards,
Chin Seng
Homework Forum Moderator
Thanks Chin Seng
Your advice has been so useful... Took 2 hours to go through the course you recommended - 3rd year prcoeeding to further study in oversea. Yes, probably is an opportunity to seek answers from overseas..
Friends around been suggesting to meet up with the MP of my town - saying MP will help. After checking, if proceeding, Tanjong Pager GRC is to approach to. Saw our MP is our Mr Lee Kuan Yew.... hesitated.
Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the hero in the heart for my son and me. We hold faith and trust on him. It has been almost a legend I was telling my friends when I saw the intensed sadness in his eyes during his wife funeral. It is a dream, thought possible only on korean drama - a man of wisdom, power,intellectual but filled with softness & loves. Almost impossible, or rare to come by - A World Leader - a merging of science and art, mind and heart, the outer and inner within.
Impossible - but it happens - That is what I had shared with my son.
His presence has rooted as the main core pillar within my son. As a mother, preserving this energy in him is one of the most essential. Nothing shall be traded off, not even a slightest risk.
My son didn't know about we may approach Mr Lee Kuan Yew for help and he didn't know Iabout I having this topic at sgforum.
As my efforts over the years of glooming him into servicing this country with true passion within him has been damaged badly. However, keeping his base with Mr Lee Kuan Yew's greatness will be able for him to overcome all obstacles in life & to pledge his life to the fullest even at another part of the world.
Therefore, will rather preserve the hope and dream then to seek justice further.
Let justice be shown through the power of ultimate justice itself.
maybe ask your son to study in a pte school?
no big deal about not getting into poly. take a pte diploma which is faster and can be completed in 1 year
dont play down the broke the rule part.
learning to acknowledge and accept mistake is oso growing up and becoming a man.
It's too late to change the results.
When his phone was confiscated the examiner would have already told him that his grade for that paper would not be counted. So this shouldn't be a surprise for the both of you.
Also, don't forget that you can check up the correct spelling of words with a handphone, this would be considered a cheating tool for English.
Your son can always retake "O" levels, it's not the end of the world.
But then again I'm curious. How can someone forget to take out his phone? The examiners will usually make several announcements to remind students to check their pockets.
The moral of the story, never spoil your children with gift like handphone, brand goods/bag and other items that are "extra" just to make them look good in front of their classmate.Also nowsday, I heard that in secondary school, if there are major exam like "O" level, the student had to leave their bag and any personal belonging outside the examination hall and only allow stationary box and calculator to bring in, I would be surpised if your son school didn't have this kind of policy that caused this unpleasant incident.
Anyway if you still want to "fight" for your case, that depend if your son had good reputation in CCA and in class, you can discuss with his form teacher whether you can create an signature petition which his form teacher and his whole classmates could sign on his behalf pleading that given his "good" conduct, it is just an "silly" mistake due to the fact that he burn midnight oli and he "lose concentration" and that why he make this kind of mistake.If this petition had major signatures, it might or might not help your son to pass his O level.Hope this help.
Thats abit sad. But seriously unlucky for your son. I wonder how did the examiner saw the phone in the first place out of so many students..... really unlucky. Anyway its a honest mistake.... try again next year
too bad. rules are rules.
it is clearly stated that no handphones are allowed in the exam hall.
SEAB have given out the rulebook to all candiates.
Teachers have explained to all candidates the major Dos and Don'ts to candidates
before commencing the paper, the examiners will remind all students to check that they don't have any handphones on them.
so if the boy is found with a handphone, it means that either he is too dumb to understand and follow instructions, or he has an intention to cheat.
no choice but for the boy to retake, and hope he learns his lessons.
I agree with M the name.Handphone is a luxury that many homeless in other parts of the world can do without it.
educators in sg r detached from real life. follow the book, if book no teach. they lost oridi. so head got no sense, tail got no clue
too bad yr son didnt follow the book
I have seen some schoolgirls use the latest phones and have plenty of money to spend and many credit cards too.