Just starting something to hear everybody's experiences ... when do you start realizing that you like somebody? It can be someone around you, somebody you just knew or somebody U haven been in contact for awhile but starting to miss :)
When you want to share your future days with them.
....when you look forward to see her everyday, and that she has already became the sole reason for your existence.
Originally posted by Don Wan:Just starting something to hear everybody's experiences ... when do you start realizing that you like somebody? It can be someone around you, somebody you just knew or somebody U haven been in contact for awhile but starting to miss :)
then when you manage to get your love one together with you, after a while, you become very sian again and start to realise that you like someone else and this goes on and on....
Humans tend not to treasure the present gain, but the past lost.
Originally posted by angel7030:
then when you manage to get your love one together with you, after a while, you become very sian again and start to realise that you like someone else and this goes on and on....Humans tend not to treasure the present gain, but the past lost.
its a pity lor human behave like this. but think again. its all in your mind.
Originally posted by playmemory:its a pity lor human behave like this. but think again. its all in your mind.
well, you control your mind, not your mind control you, you can alway reset your mind, but sad to say that most people mind are set, they seem to lost the password to unlock it. Be flexible in Life, you will be happier, the past create what you are today, and today shall shape your future, take care of you present, and you will have a better future, release all your past attachement, if it is fated to cross road, so be it, if not, be bless that once upon a time, in your life, you had gone thru such moment.
For nobody is born smiling, hopefully, by the end of the road, all of us can go smiling.
when you lust
"liking" or "missing" somebody is only an internal desire to be reciprocated......
deep love takes the soul through sacrifices without reciprocity, and when it is actually reciprocated, the sacrifices expend more in return till the union becomes so inseparable and invisibly
the oneness of love