i was getting engaged to my fiancee that i was dating for 2 years but i broke off with her since she was a addicted gambler and i saw no future with her after she wanted to borrow money from me again.
after that i was going to jb to find prostitutes since i was starved of sex and very depressed. one day after work i was driving there and i happen to see one of the girls and she was driving a luxury car. i followed her and later found that she actually manages the other girls and arranges for them to have sex with men. a few days later i went there again and i called for her but another girl told me she was their boss.
i met up with her several times after that and learned a lot more about her. she told me that she never had sex with any of her customers and i was the first since she was very attracted to me. we have dated for a while now and i'm very in love with this lady as she is very caring and sensual to me.
will i get into trouble with the law if i were to have something with her? i'm not sure if what she was doing is illegal in malaysia. i'm seriously thinking of bringing her over to meet my parents during chinese new year
You are a prick to fall in love with a prostitute.....pls la they only want ur $$$ la...dun be a prick...><"
Originally posted by StayMyBaby:i was getting engaged to my fiancee that i was dating for 2 years but i broke off with her since she was a addicted gambler and i saw no future with her after she wanted to borrow money from me again.
after that i was going to jb to find prostitutes since i was starved of sex and very depressed. one day after work i was driving there and i happen to see one of the girls and she was driving a luxury car. i followed her and later found that she actually manages the other girls and arranges for them to have sex with men. a few days later i went there again and i called for her but another girl told me she was their boss.
i met up with her several times after that and learned a lot more about her. she told me that she never had sex with any of her customers and i was the first since she was very attracted to me. we have dated for a while now and i'm very in love with this lady as she is very caring and sensual to me.
will i get into trouble with the law if i were to have something with her? i'm not sure if what she was doing is illegal in malaysia. i'm seriously thinking of bringing her over to meet my parents during chinese new year
another bullshit thread.............
anyway very smart to get rid of fiancee since she's gonna make you poorer............
marry a lady pimp is gonna make you rich................also you can get hooker at special discount..............
she is not prostitute.. she is their boss and she have money.
then you can be a gigolo and she be your pimp lor
So good, can rekomen a gal fren to me? Wah so gud, since your gal fren is a pimp, you get a lot of access to gals. You are so lucky, you are the man.
Of cuz, illegal la. What u think? Malaysia is Islamic country. But a lot of official there turn a blind eye. So as long u got under table money, u can get away wif it.
she said she never have sex with other clients before but did it with me cos i she was very attracted to me. Wah lau eh......lydat also can believe ah. How you think she even climbed to be a mamasan in the first place? Walk in interview? lol.
Huat liao la
its a world of marketing....
but there are oso good pros.....they can be more civic minded than well bred sluts
Originally posted by Rock^Star:she said she never have sex with other clients before but did it with me cos i she was very attracted to me. Wah lau eh......lydat also can believe ah. How you think she even climbed to be a mamasan in the first place? Walk in interview? lol.
She might be telling the truth bro. She needs a strong character to manage other girls, so maybe she can resist other men's advances. She may love you, but she sure doesn't need you. Even a prostitute who loves you for money will need you more.
No crime loving her as long as you don't help her, but that's by the book. If you somehow get arrested, you might get caned, among other unpleasantries. The same or worse for her.
One more thing, you might be charged with concealing her earnings from crime. Eg. buying a house together in both names. If she has no official job, how can she explain all her luxury things?
Another bullshit thread. School holidays are over goddammit.
So you exchange a gambler to a pimp.
Lots of improvement there.
You better wake up dude, and stop wasting time.
Mutual benefit scheme (scheming) - to simplify, both use each other to fufil ....? Beware the human mind especially when it comes to justifying, rationalizing. it is fine if they are dead things. Relationship is a thing. There is nothing in a relationship if one nor the other cannot relate to him/her self first. Otherwise, the relationship is going to suffer whether one knows it or not.
In this instance, it is a pimp, it does not matter. Nothing is permanent and people do change. One can also find a jaw-dropping contoured lady with a loving heart or assets or whatever one can relate to. Who knows this pimp could have been this jaw-dropping... one year ago. and who can predict that this jaw-dropping contoured lady can become.
It would be wise to understand that one is dealing with a human being - who emotes, who palpitates and is subject to the vagaries of moods, emotions and not forget the bigotry, the prejudices.
Stupididty is being and wanting all to be permanent. Dead things are permanent.
Love but dont blame the other or if/when the blame is apportioned on another for what oneself feels, what oneslef endures or has to ... that is not love and it was never love. it was needs/expectations that the other fulfil ''me'' that was pretending love. The frustration(s) is always a by-product of needs n expectations.
Life is a flux and to make it a business especially love is the worse indignity to oneself and the other. It is dehumanizing oneself and ....
screw her, take her money, run
Sometimes all this topics popping up abt KTV gals n stuffs...really look like those matters of the hearts stories from sammyboy...make u wonder if soon sgforums will become sub con of sammyboy soon...><"
let me see,
first, got someone loves prositute
then, got someone loves a pimp
ladyboy anyone??
Originally posted by angel7030:let me see,
first, got someone loves prositute
then, got someone loves a pimp
ladyboy anyone??
u wait for someone to love bar owner than do yr killer post!
i m a Malaysian
so pimp is actually a crime la
aiyo ur gambler ex gf nvm la
my bf also a gambler leh
you should be able to answer your own qns.
Pimp Pimp Hurray!! to you
thi topic is a good example to show how silly people can be.
actually i can understand this author's feeling
feeling of love is BLIND
erm, i think u pray to ur God to save u la!