Are there any Human Rights Groups in Singapore?
Only know that there is AWARE that helps women.
Are there any other human rights groups that help guys or just help the public in general?
Lefts have, rights i not so sure, maybe PAP
Keep left.
Give way to the right.
Originally posted by single_alone:Are there any Human Rights Groups in Singapore?
Only know that there is AWARE that helps women.
Are there any other human rights groups that help guys or just help the public in general?
now u r talking in my frequency....u should put it as guys "reluctantly" support the weak women cause till its too late to pull the brake...there was no thanksgiving to guys but growing expectations....
for now....the only solution is to help yourself by staying single till the lopsided gender policy (backed by the system) is over for men....
we will see greater rise in singles and divorces...the system cannot help it but to pull in more foreigners to sustain productivity
Singapore gt any human rights grp against death penalty? I wanna join.
I dun like death penalty. Alot of countries dun have.
to the PAP..............only the rich and pro-PAP people are humans...........and since they're rich and pro-PAP they don't need human rights groups to help them.................
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:to the PAP..............only the rich and pro-PAP people are humans...........and since they're rich and pro-PAP they don't need human rights groups to help them.................
PAP gahment is oppressive to democratic freedom in Singapore.
Dun forget the election department is under Prime minister office.
Where is the fair n independent election department?
Abolish ISA !!!
got pro-gay rights group? something like NAMBLA?
thot we also got Pedobear rights group supporting our pedo scholar in Britain
Have, LKY is Human with Rights to Groups.
Top - Elite Ruling Group.
Medium - Rich Business Group.
Low - Foreigner Group.
Close to non- existence (unmeasurable) - Poor Draft Citizens Group.
Originally posted by angel7030:thot we also got Pedobear rights group supporting our pedo scholar in Britain
actually i anti-pedofile wan
i only pro-pedobear
eh... NTUC consider human rights group or not?
NTUC is Nothing Till U C...same like their insurance Income, NTUC income, Nothing happen Till U C (died in local dialect), more of a inhuman right groups