I happen to know of a person, currently studying to becoming a nurse. However, she suffers from bulimia ( induce vomit after eating ) and depression... and has recently made several suicide attempts. Should this kind of nurses be banned from our healthcare system?
Its hard to imagine, the very nurse that might be treating you (touch wood), suffers from depression and classified under a psychiatric case...
Would you want that kind of nurse treating you?
Or your parents? Your Children? Your Loved Ones?
Perhaps you can get all the answers from the Singapore Nursing Board which is the regulatory authority for nurses & midwives in Singapore. Check it out.
if she has depression and have yet to kill herself then she must be seeing a shrink. she must also be on medication. the shrink should know better than you do.
Originally posted by thedudephotographer:I happen to know of a person, currently studying to becoming a nurse. However, she suffers from bulimia ( induce vomit after eating ) and depression... and has recently made several suicide attempts. Should this kind of nurses be banned from our healthcare system?
Its hard to imagine, the very nurse that might be treating you (touch wood), suffers from depression and classified under a psychiatric case...
Would you want that kind of nurse treating you?
Or your parents? Your Children? Your Loved Ones?
u refer to male or female nurses?
or ahem...gay?
Originally posted by angel7030:u refer to male or female nurses?
However, she suffers from bulimia ( induce vomit after eating ) and depression
So she is a patient trained in nursing. There are many Singaporeans suffering from depression, can be anxiety to nervous or hyperactive depression...some u see very active, cannot stop walking or working are also a kind of depresseion, sickness and illness. Do we then deprive them from working? Let not be bais on this, she is a patient seeking medical help to overcome her digestion and depression illness while holding a job as a nurse. So, you are telling me nurse cannot fall sick or go into depression?? See many old auntie singaporean senior nurses also go into depression when their husband left them due to their irregular long working hours and also old age.
Definitely, no. Give feedback to the org. Even trained nurses are wanting in care of patients. Most of the nurses I observed at govt and private hospitals do not have the passion to give health care. They are just there to earn a living. Remember of a patient who jumped out of the hospital window, recently.
I hope the top management in the healthcare services can look at the ground level and monitor the situations.
should not be any problem mah
all our trainee teachers are also pedofiles
Would you accept treatment from an obese doctor?
alert the course instructors or pastoral care in-charge
haiz...kena check here check there....
sinkapore $ pai tan....
i think many Sgs are deeply suffering from unique paranoia syndrome...that is of course uniquely traced to roots of kiasu-ism and kiasi-ism....
for convenience sake, i shorten it and coin as kiaranoia
dun be a kiaranoid like above
bulimia? She must look slim for who??? The patient? Other nurses? Doctors?
Her head is not screwed on right.. She will not get very far in nursing.
Nurse also human.
Since you know she got prob den you shld be helping her instead of saying such stupid things.
BTW, dun need to worry abt her treating ppl/patients, coz without proper treatment for her condition she'll probably be dead before she can grad from nursing school.
bloody retard
She doesnt want it does she?
Originally posted by Fcukpap:
Not bad, at least it got its clothing on