Originally posted by angel7030:status: Single
faster go find a gigolo lah, expert say gal being single too long will become siao siao one
Being single and happy is not simple...must have a lot of frens and/or $... ditch your GF and enjoy life! Another GF may not be what u want....
Originally posted by angel7030:
no lah, i dun look down on people, just that some good looking guy who dated me, I accepted, and when going home time, they offer to send me back by cab or mrt, I feel so bad to tell them that I go a BMW waiting at the basement carpark A1, i scare it will scare them away, so i take their offer to ride the mrt with them, the next thing I worried is that if he see my tembling ave private house, he may feel so down, so usually I just said Haig Road those 2 room HDB flat, at the void deck, I stopped him from coming up, cos that is not my house. But you know guy lah, still want to chit chat with me, so we hang out awhile at the void deck. When he left, i call a cab to bring me back to the shopping centre to take my car. Rich also troublesome hor.
lol.. pls la.
Its more difficult to breakup if you delay....
Originally posted by BadzMaro:lol.. pls la.
please what?? you dun want a typical wage earner handsome guy to end up feeling so down taking my BMW, aint you. Spare a thought for others as others spared for you.
Originally posted by BotaHead:faster go find a gigolo lah, expert say gal being single too long will become siao siao one
balu 22yo, go find gigolo liao ar??? wha lau, my side here only rich tai tai come and find gigolo, mostly 40yo and above, some selling Laksa in katong one
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Its more difficult to breakup if you delay....
Better break up if u can't handle her attitude....better than get married then regret and end up in divorce....
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Its more difficult to breakup if you delay....
I think this is very true..
The more you delay, the more you going to hurt (others and yourself). My friends keep telling me to breakup with her, but I still hold on...
finally.. I made up my mind, and it's kinda very difficult for both of us..
as i girl, i can't take those ppl who anyhow throw tantrums either.
kudos to you for bearing with it for so long.
if you want the rest of your life to be lived like this, don't break.
otherwise, do something about it!
do what?? gf dun give sex only, he gets agitated and headache liao, many a time, man die for sex ya
If you can't talk sense with your GF, just dump her lah....no point complaining this or that....leaving her is inevitable....
we only hear from you, not yr gf yet, your gf bad attitude could be because of you, toward other, she is normal and good. Because the sight of you, give her the feeling of being bad and sian with you
Originally posted by angel7030:we only hear from you, not yr gf yet, your gf bad attitude could be because of you, toward other, she is normal and good. Because the sight of you, give her the feeling of being bad and sian with you
Yah, thats possible...maybe the tantrums were excuses for breakup?
Lingmei: Master, what is reflection
Master Nun of the Hwa Monastery: Reflection is the return of what you give. And the return can be more than you give
Lingmei: So, if i give shit, i will get more shit
Master: You talk shit one more time, i ban you from dinner tonite.
Lingmei: My apologise master for my lay word use here. But master, can you give me an example.
Master threw a stone into the lotus pond, a pop sound and circles of water riper outward. Lingmei also threw, but a big stone..Plowwww!!!
Master: The more you give, the bigger the return, the return can be both good and bad, you may hv a bigger riper of water, but the stone you threw, had destroyed many life, the frog get scared, the fish wake up all of the sudden, the mosquitos and fly larvae may die and the stone could block a passage for some pond worms.
Lingmei: master, what does translate
Master: In a outside world, many people do not understand why they get this and that, or why someone treat them like this and like that, because many do not comprehend what they had given out could have hurt someone, or destroy many lives and others way of living. The word here is be conscious of what you give out.
Thanks for the insight...your master is wise indeed. Is she happy that you are in the entertainment/F&B business?
certainly, she said, if Lingmei dun go to hell, who would? Why bother with the good peoples, they can take care of themselves, save those who are weak and bad is the true meaning of life. So that is why I entered such business inorder to be in hell to meet bad and weak peoples, so as to save them from hell.
Originally posted by angel7030:certainly, she said, if Lingmei dun go to hell, who would? Why bother with the good peoples, they can take care of themselves, save those who are weak and bad is the true meaning of life. So that is why I entered such business inorder to be in hell to meet bad and weak peoples, so as to save them from hell.
Your thinking is interesting....if you saved everybody in your pub, you will have no more customers leh? Isn't that a dilemma ?
fuck her n dump her
TS, have u decided yet?
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Your thinking is interesting....if you saved everybody in your pub, you will have no more customers leh? Isn't that a dilemma ?
Business can change, not a problem, once hell is empty, then I shall enter nirvana and rebuilt the pub into a nunery recruiting womenfolks.
Originally posted by angel7030:
Business can change, not a problem, once hell is empty, then I shall enter nirvana and rebuilt the pub into a nunery recruiting womenfolks.
Wah u have plans for everything....Hahaha! Anyway got update from TS ?
TS no face to come back...hope he learned what is reflection, his action and treatment to his gf, can be the result of reflection that end up his gf having horrible attitude toward her. At time in life, we look far, out of the box, or with an eagle view of all thing, but we fail to look at ourselve.
Originally posted by angel7030:TS no face to come back...hope he learned what is reflection, his action and treatment to his gf, can be the result of reflection that end up his gf having horrible attitude toward her. At time in life, we look far, out of the box, or with an eagle view of all thing, but we fail to look at ourselve.
It'll take two hands to clap, I think both are responsible for this plight lah....
Originally posted by angel7030:
balu 22yo, go find gigolo liao ar??? wha lau, my side here only rich tai tai come and find gigolo, mostly 40yo and above, some selling Laksa in katong one
aiyo, young lady, what i meant was go get a boyfriend
Originally posted by BotaHead:aiyo, young lady, what i meant was go get a boyfriend
I think Angel has a high pre-requisite for her BF....to be her BF u must be filthy rich and handsome and must kana chop carrot if the relationship din work out...right Angel?