Originally posted by Demon Bane:I think its not about the face lah....most people left Singapore for better suitable countries for retirement....Let's say they sold their Private SG houses (high prices) and use that $ to buy a bungalow in Aussie, still have enough for retirement leh....Singapore can't retire leh....most people work until they die...
may i know what kind of visa is that for a retiree from spore to stay in oz?if its not a permanent visa they would just give a temp visa. a house or car purchased in oz dun qualify for a PR.its more like a pet dog scenario to aussies.
most people didnt go overseras on temp but immigrated there.i know in aussie law once u reach 45 years old theres no chance of immigration.
furthermore once u buy a property in oz,u must be there all the time or your property will be seized and sold off by oz gov.the current laws i read from news a few years ago had already changed from olden times.
so how do old people now or in future afford to retire unless u spend $1million alone on a business and empolyees in a business operation in oz!onkly then will u get a special visa.
thats why sporeans have to goto jb so as to make their visa more easily when they retire.no idea how on earth anyone retires in oz unless they are ministers from PAP or multimillionaires from business done earlier in life.
Originally posted by Demon Bane:I think its not about the face lah....most people left Singapore for better suitable countries for retirement....Let's say they sold their Private SG houses (high prices) and use that $ to buy a bungalow in Aussie, still have enough for retirement leh....Singapore can't retire leh....most people work until they die...
may i know what kind of visa is that for a retiree from spore to stay in oz?if its not a permanent visa they would just give a temp visa. a house or car purchased in oz dun qualify for a PR.its more like a pet dog scenario to aussies.
most people didnt go overseras on temp but immigrated there.i know in aussie law once u reach 45 years old theres no chance of immigration.
furthermore once u buy a property in oz,u must be there all the time or your property will be seized and sold off by oz gov.the current laws i read from news a few years ago had already changed from olden times.
so how do old people now or in future afford to retire unless u spend $1million alone on a business and empolyees in a business operation in oz!onkly then will u get a special visa.
thats why sporeans have to goto jb so as to make their visa more easily when they retire.no idea how on earth anyone retires in oz unless they are ministers from PAP or multimillionaires from business done earlier in life.
Originally posted by Director Hitman:may i know what kind of visa is that for a retiree from spore to stay in oz?if its not a permanent visa they would just give a temp visa. a house or car purchased in oz dun qualify for a PR.its more like a pet dog scenario to aussies.
most people didnt go overseras on temp but immigrated there.i know in aussie law once u reach 45 years old theres no chance of immigration.
furthermore once u buy a property in oz,u must be there all the time or your property will be seized and sold off by oz gov.the current laws i read from news a few years ago had already changed from olden times.
so how do old people now or in future afford to retire unless u spend $1million alone on a business and empolyees in a business operation in oz!onkly then will u get a special visa.
thats why sporeans have to goto jb so as to make their visa more easily when they retire.no idea how on earth anyone retires in oz unless they are ministers from PAP or multimillionaires from business done earlier in life.
The whole point of immigrating is to find a better place for retirement....I dunno the Aussie laws but I have frens happily living and retiring in Aussie....check with the local Embassy....
aussie embassy will tell u to check on line.thats what they always say when u ask them for help.
oh i just went thru the website and its classed as a retirement visa.ok.....now i know.
Originally posted by Director Hitman:oh i just went thru the website and its classed as a retirement visa.ok.....now i know.
Are u serious about immigrating to Aussie? Are there other countries u will consider?
From 1 July 2009 Retirement visa holders are able to apply for a visa which is valid for 10 years and is not subject to a condition limiting the amount of work (paid and unpaid) that they are able to undertake.
Holders of a Retirement visa valid for four years should note that their visas will not be automatically adjusted. Visa holders should renew their current visa just prior to expiry in order to be granted a visa which is valid for 10 years and has unlimited work rights.
For those visa holders who wish to undertake more than 20 hours paid work per week transitional arrangements have been put in place to allow them to obtain unlimited work rights free of charge.
See: Retirement (subclass 410) visa enhancements ( 43KB PDF file)
I've done some research and still think Australia is the best....for retirement....
This visa is designed for retirees and their partner who want to spend some of their retirement years in Australia.
Important: This visa is not available to new or first-time visa applicants other than new partners of existing or former Retirement visa holders. The recommended visa for new or first time applicants considering spending a period of their retirement in Australia is the Investor Retirement Visa (subclass 405).
See: Investor Retirement Visa (Subclass 405)
Former Retirement visa (subclass 410) holders and their partners who have been granted any other substantive visa, including Visitor visas and Electronic Travel Authorities, are not able to reapply for this visa.
Since 1 July 2009, Retirement visa holders are able to apply for a visa which is valid for 10 years and do not have any restrictions on the hours that they are able to work.
See: Retirement (subclass 410) visa enhancements (35KB PDF file)
This visa is only available to:
If you need advice on your circumstances, please contact the department before obtaining any other visa.
You must pay a non-refundable visa application charge when you lodge your visa application.
See: Retirement Visa Charges
If you are granted this visa, during its validity you can:
This visa is a temporary entry visa. It does not lead to permanent residency in Australia or to Australian citizenship.
it still says u need to be a bonafide millionaire in order to be an investor in oz.
How much is the investment ? The links doesn't seem to work....
On this page
Below are the requirements you must meet to be eligible for an Investor Retirement visa.
You must be 55 years of age or older. Your partner (if any) can be any age.
You must be sponsored by an Australian state or territory government agency (other than the Australian Capital Territory).
You must have no dependent children or other dependent family members other than a partner.
If you are married or in a de facto relationship, your partner must have no dependent children or other dependent family members.
You must have assets valued at least AUD750 000. These assets will enable you (or you and your partner) to meet initial settlement and ongoing costs of living in Australia.
The assets must be:
Exception: If you intend to live in regional Australia you must have assets valued at least AUD500 000.
See: Regional Australia/Low Population Growth Metropolitan Areas
Note: You must have held all of the assets listed above for 2 years prior to you lodging your application, unless the assets are related to superannuation and/or inheritance. If you are intending to sell assets in relation to your move to Australia, the department recommends that you wait until after your visa is approved. If you need to sell assets to meet the requirements of this visa you should carefully consider whether you will be able to finance your ongoing stay in Australia, particularly in the longer term. The assets are in addition to the funds required to make the designated investment.
You (or you and your partner combined) must have access to a minimum net income of AUD65 000 (for example, pension rights).
Exception: If you intend to live in regional Australia you must have access to a minimum income of AUD50 000.
You must be able to make a designated investment of AUD750 000 in your name (or your name and your partner's name), in the state or territory in which you have been sponsored.
Exception: If you intend to live in regional Australia you must make a designated investment of AUD500 000.
Note: The funds used to make the designated investment are in addition to the assets requirement.
You must have evidence that you, and your partner (if any), hold an adequate health insurance package for the period of your intended stay in Australia.
For health insurance to be considered adequate, it must:
It is preferable that the health insurance be with an Australian insurer, however alternative arrangements that meet the above requirements can be accepted. Alternative arrangements with an overseas insurer will require individual detailed examination of the insurance policy and may result in processing delays.
If you do not maintain adequate health insurance it may result in the refusal of future visa applications.
You must have no intention of working full-time in Australia (you, and your partner if applicable, will only be allowed to work up to 20 hours per week while in Australia.)
You and your family must meet health requirements for you to enter Australia. You will require an examination from a doctor, a chest x-ray and possibly further medical tests.
See: Information form 1163i Health requirement for temporary entry to Australia ( 54KB PDF file)
You and your family must be of good character for you to enter Australia.
See: Character Requirement
You may apply for one or more further Investor Retirement visas if you meet the following requirements.
If tuberculosis or a public health risk condition is identified, medical treatment rather than visa refusal will be the likely outcome.
If you are aged 18 years or over, you must declare that you will respect Australian values and obey the laws of Australia. For this visa, the values statement is included in the general declaration section of the application form. When you sign the application form it means you will also be signing the values statement. You will not be required to have read the Life in Australia book, but may do so if you wish.
You are also encouraged to gain an understanding of Australia, its people and their way of life, before applying for this visa.
See: Australian Values - Overview
So simply is buy (invest) a bungalow and live there as a retiree ? Simple enough.
a $750,000 asset is in australian dollars or more than $800,000.
they will check thoroughly when u apply for the visa.make sure the property is worth that amont in oz of AU$750,000 invested value.
u may build a sing$800,000 if u are a civil engineer with vast working expertise as a career.but then the builders may be lazy or not very cooperative..some might be gangsters n thugs too.u might need to build 2 houses in that case.but then its easier to go build elsewhere using interpreters with lawyers contract signed as interpreted correctly.
however if u intend to buy a bungalow make sure its close to AU$500,000 in farmland /shire/rural regional towns or AU$750,000 in the city n civilised areas.they will check and confirm the amount before issusing u with visa.
A good strategy will be to sell your SG condo or house then go Aussie to retire....alot of my frens that had pte pty were doing that....
Any other countries are good for retirement? Canada ? Netherlands ? Anyone has info on those countries?
not sure bout the re4st.i know they r too far.
Originally posted by Director Hitman:not sure bout the re4st.i know they r too far.
Seems like alot of millionaires chose Canada....they claimed its better than Aussie....
canada is naturally the better than australia as oz has way too many violent people......self explainable from their origins.why the other day i saw on tv some dancing variety competition in oz . they had this tall strong guy who looks like lee hsien yang and some big blonde australian spring chicken .so they pictured the chinese guy standing with his legs wide apart forming a bridge so that his big ang mo dancer gal friend who looks like nicole kidman can tap dance in high heels on his thighs...i mean she was standing there in dancing shoes n dancing on his thighs...1.75metres tall n she looked like 75kg dancing on the poor guys thigh....
he could very well have damaged his arteries on his leg with that big ang mo bimbo tap dancin on his thighs!she was virtually tap dancing on his thighs!!!!
maybe they dun have such nasty looking gals like these in oz.how come they dun do these stuff on ang mo men instaed.....??cuz the ang mo men would have beaten them up with a blackk eye..thats why!
Hahaha! If I have alot of $, I'll choose Canada too...but for now, oz is my no.1 choice.
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Hahaha!
If I have alot of $, I'll choose Canada too...but for now, oz is my no.1 choice.
How about Costa Rica and Panama ? They're cheaper....anybody has experience going/living there?
deleted due to unskilled foreigners peekin in and wanting to be penniless and unemployed in countries.
Originally posted by Director Hitman:the journey there will kill...but if u have no more options......u might as well try the netherlands.they are racist too cuz they have the africans living there n stealin their jobs etc.so they regard everyone as a bad thing.but if things persists in spore.try the embassy of netherlands then...
I have SG frens residing in Netherlands too....maybe I'll visit them and check out the country....
Please, my Uncle Hitman just recover from ICU, do not, i repeat do not excite or agitate him further.
Originally posted by angel7030:Please, my Uncle Hitman just recover from ICU, do not, i repeat do not excite or agitate him further.
Are you serious? Sorry I din know....