Originally posted by Rooney9:does suicide solve your problems?
if you believe in afterlife and rebirth, you will also face same situation in your next life isnt it. dun tell me you want to suicide life and life?
those who commit suicide, will be reborn as a ghost and then once every 7 days, you have to relive the suicide moments. think about it.
i would love to be a ghost.............must be ultra powerful one...............i'll make every member of the Lee Family kill themselves.............
i won't let them have a moment's peace..............even in the toilet..............i make them can't sit............can't sleep............can't even stand.............
if i have no family..i would have died. i didnt kill myself becus i dont wna burden my family. but i wanted to badly.
Originally posted by single_alone:
I not 50 years yet leh. I only in my mid 20s
alamak...........ask someone that's 50yr to join lor...............
anyway i see your above reply i can see you don't intend to kill yourself...............
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
i would love to be a ghost.............must be ultra powerful one...............i'll make every member of the Lee Family kill themselves.............
i won't let them have a moment's peace..............even in the toilet..............i make them can't sit............can't sleep............can't even stand.............
LOL. be a ghost is miserable mind you. you suffer from heat, cold, hunger. not to mention these, you are being bullied by bigger and stronger older ghosts, and your lifespan as a ghost is like few hundred years old to thousands of years old. 30 days in human realm is like 1 day in ghost realm. that is why chinese almanac, 1st and 15th days is their lunch and dinner time.
Originally posted by LonelyApple:if i have no family..i would have died. i didnt kill myself becus i dont wna burden my family. but i wanted to badly.
same here.............my ma still around leh............
#### tell you what..........we'll have a suicide pact in the future............so a sgforum mass suicide..........
after all it's nice to have company in this sort of enterprise.............forum kaki lagi better.............
is this thread specifically for suicide wannabe?
suicide is bad. because you die unhappy, confused, sadness leaving this world. your last thought moments are filled with these unhappiness.
thoughts are momentarily, it comes and go in a moment. just notice how it arises and it will ceases. just do not get too attached to it.
try meditation for a start, just focus on your breath. it helps. if you always think of sucide, you have unhappy thoughts, as simple as that. garbage in, garbage out.
You know what? I was like you many times in my life but after visiting some wayward countries and witnessing worst cases than mine, I really learnt to see life as half-cup full, not half-cup empty. On one street in Thailand, I saw a horribly disfigured old crippled woman begging for food and money.Beggars in tattered clothes...no roof, no shelter..they have real reasons to worry for the next day.
Don't even have to travel so far, just switch on t.v to watch news sometimes. Can also see shows of poor people suffering even from treatable diseases like cholera.Also Tsunami victims with totally no money with them only the clothes (soiled ones, by the way) on them.
Children in India forced to work at 10 yrs old (some even younger) for few cents just to have 1 meal for that day.
What more can we ask for? Aren't we thankful that we don't have lives like theirs?
Originally posted by kengkia:is this thread specifically for suicide wannabe?
yes............i'm trying out my suicide grooming skills...............
i'm actually a secret PAP agent...........
i try to psycho more locals to kill themselves so more foreigners can come in........plus less people to vote for opposition................unhappy people are all anti-PAP...............
well i try before when the whole world came crush down on me 2 years ago
i went into depression due to family, love and work life, girlfriend leave me and my boss abuse me in work, my mum pass away. all 3 thing happen together and it really hit me hard. i totally unable take all 3 stress together...........
on that night i cant take it anymore and drive the car to bishan temple
3am midnite i put a tube through the exhast pipe and start the process to meet my mum.
strange thing is i keep waking up after fall asleep and keep waking up. 1/2 way through i feel that i still awake and decided to put the tube into my mouth for faster effect. and i fall asleep again.
somehow i was rescue and only wake up in caying in the hospital and was under charge by the police. stay 1 week in hospital due to carbon poison. result was its damage/weaken my strength /body, but i regain them 2 years back now.
SOS never helped me in any way. i try to email and only manage to get a reply by them 1 DAY later. at that point i does not wish to speak to them. i only willing to massage them. but all they tell me is they dont have this system to msg, you wan help. you call. msg service dont have loh. unelss you are willing to talk. then forget about SOS.
2 years back from now. i living better, happier with life. eventhough i still out of relationship, but i have friends and family, even though my sister and bro look down on me because i never complete "O" level and they are grad. and life still hard for me as been low edu in this singapore, you cant get a good job with higher income. im still happy because i learn to be contant ( dont know how to spell. paisei).
now i trying to accept christian( i been to church a few times ) but im a very very firm beliver in Buddhish that Y its getting confuse for me right now. but i think i will get through it at later part. its doesnt matter whether its chris or budd for me as wat important to me is that i believe the path is there for me.
ppl say that its my mum or my god that save me that day,because carbon posion should have killed me that day because im drove to the temple where her spirit is resting (光明山)i dont know .... but all i know is i'm more happy right now compare to 2 years ago.
by the way my sucide case was discharged last year.
find yr god to talk to if you really feel depress.
you seen animals commiting suicide before? they basically bang their head against the wall. or purposely cross the road and banged by vehicles.
Originally posted by Rooney9:suicide is bad. because you die unhappy, confused, sadness leaving this world. your last thought moments are filled with these unhappiness.
who cares about these..when are we want is to end the torture-.-
becoz if last thoughts are negative.................bad rebirth lah............
Originally posted by Hwaimeng:
find yr god to talk to if you really feel depress.
i hate god.
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
alamak...........ask someone that's 50yr to join lor...............
anyway i see your above reply i can see you don't intend to kill yourself...............
So you joined already? You qualified right?
u in luck.......God don't exist.........
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:becoz if last thoughts are negative.................bad rebirth lah............
dont believe in reincarnation
Originally posted by Summer120706:So you joined already? You qualified right?
i qualify alright..............haven't join yet............when my ma not around then i join lor...........
no point joining when you not gonna kill yourself so soon mah................
later they charge you annual membership fee mah not worthwhile..............
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:u in luck.......God don't exist.........
if he didnt exist, how did earth even come about
Originally posted by LonelyApple:
dont believe in reincarnation
there are countless of proven documented cases...............and i do mean countless...........
Originally posted by LonelyApple:
if he didnt exist, how did earth even come about
if humans never come up with the concept of religion.........God wouldn't exist..............
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
if humans never come up with the concept of religion.........God wouldn't exist..............
aiya there are not a lot of people who can understand this. its too deep for them to even analyse or think about it.
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
there are countless of proven documented cases...............and i do mean countless...........
Do you have a source?
TS, if you committed suicide, who is going to take care of your mother who is also sick and on medication? Why are you so selfish? Your mother need you most at this time and yet you want to end yuour life.
Tell yourself, who is more pityful? You or your mother?
Wake up plse.
Reflect on yourself.