I joined a dating event recently. He contacted me after the event, stating that he wants to know me better. However, he has never asked me out. During our online conversation, it was just purely casual and he didnt ask me many questions to know me better. However, he would often flirt with me online and hinted that we could hang out one day. I thought he was interested to know me better and had some romantic interest in me. But the date invitation never came.. He only attended a group outing. Many times, he gave excuses.
I thought that he wanted to go out with me. Hence, i asked him out for dinner, hang-outs on 4 to 5 occasions. He will declined me politely. There was once he agreed but he played me out at the very last minute. Yet despite his rejections, he still continue to suggest that we could hang out some day.
I am very unhappy and frustrated. He asked me to consider going out with other guys and that why i feel he is suitable for me. I am upset because he hasn't know me in person and yet, he has already written me off based on our 10 minutes conversation in the dating event. In that case, why did he choose to contact me after the event, and still flirt with me? if he is totally does not want to go out with me on an one-to-one basis.
I thought he is a nice guy and I could know him better, even as a friend. But, he hasnt even know me well and has already rejected me as a person, and totally dismiss me. or the idea of us going out. I am very sad. why is this so?
becos i keep experiencing rejection
Originally posted by bearie000:becos i keep experiencing rejection
got use mirror b4?
You're too farking desperate
There's more to life than men
The guy was just being polite and didn't want to hurt your feelings. And because of this you turned into a clingy leech. You don't even know him, why are you so desperate to hang on to him? What makes you think he's even the right one for you?
Wake up la
the same situation goes to guys as well....so the answer is ....huh....$lut$?
the explanation is so bluntly simple...he does not accept or at this moment...he has already hinted that u go networking....if a guy or gl rally like someone...he or she will try all means to get attention and not asking the person to find others....it is plain obvious and you should accept the reality....
So, what r you waiting for? Move on....
yes agreed totally.....there is definitely more to life than $lut$....save men's money for better things
Don't put any expectations into anything and you will be pleasantly surprised.
for millions of years from cavewomen donning loincloths to the most luxury skin wear...u can plot a graph to see whether it is that possible to lower the expectations.....the most they could do is not to manicure for a month....
Chill and calm down. No big deal if some tom dick or harry reject you. What matters the most is being confident of yourself which i think is lacking in you
same could be said of $lut$ that exploit men or to gain sympathies...they dun need to know the person but just walk off without even remember his name....
for your case.... just move on....why cling onto what the reality has told you or informed the guys the same message over and over again?
u can still live on fine without them...remember to keep your confidence level intact and high....there r more things to do in life
sgforum got alot for you to choose le
men, like women, keep their options open. He's just holding on to you in case he needs your company someday. Men and women who join dating events are likely to participate in other ones too. Looks like you may have been taken for a ride. Just move on :)
he can't be bothered with you then move on to next guy lor.
It's not like he is the only male out there.
trust me onlie and offline the same person can have different personality.
take angie for example. onlie she act like some *****, offline she has a wonderful personality. i like her becasue like me she's also a schizo
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:trust me onlie and offline the same person can have different personality.
That's like me too.
Online I have more aggressive personality, offline more pleasant personality.
Originally posted by hOle_lOver:He might be playing hard to get. Maybe he knows u are interested in him and he enjoys having yr attention so he still flirt wif u..bt he is nt that interested in u bt don’t want to turn u down directly.
What???!!? That's got to be the most dumbest advice I have ever heard. The dude was obviously not interested, no men will ever play hard to get, unless he is gay, that is for certain. When a man is interested - he'll got for it. If he is not - he won't be bothered.
It could be loads of reason for Bearie. First it could be that he has other girls in the dating game - to consider. He may be trying out other girls and putting Bearie in storage (in case he fails).
However, according to the facts since Bearie was rejected 5 times, she better forget it, it may be that he has lost interest. The truth is, what women do the men is just the same as what men do to women. After a brief online chat or a date or two, it is possible for women to also reject men the same way. So all's fair. Bearie should not feel unjustly treated, it is just the way it is - the circle of life. Sorry to say, the dude is not obligated to accept Bearie's offer to come out on the mere basis that they spoke online and met in a group.
There are a lot of fishes in the sea, Bearie should not feel sad but instead cherish this experience and move on to the next fish. Bearie should not feel offended at the guy, because he is just being who he is. A woman can also act in the same way, so all's fair. Move on and don't be miserable about it.
u can try the recent classic ad question:
If he says no,u can still switch to:"No No No....i mean...DO U LOVE MEAT?"...
still can save some face...lol
Usually if the guy is interested in a gal, he will want to be close to her and win her attention.But in your case, he seems to see you more as a mere casual friend...just widening his social circle and nothing much. Actions speak louder than words.You have already sensed that he is not that enthusiastic about meeting you up.That is a great hint his interest in you is insignificant.So why not just move on to someone who will shower you with more sincerity and attention?I am sure there are many other guys out there who are more worthy of your time and thoughts. :)
i dont think he meant to cheat you or fiddle with your feelings..i think he just need attention. probably a loner