Hi I am a male 19years old soon...Now looking for someone who can help me or teach me how to crossdress...Girls,CD,or TS also can...
u is a fag ah?
No la...Just looking around
looking ard for wat?
Mind to tell me what is Fag?
And Might want to go on Female mode one day...
fag is like u liddat loh.
Well I wanted to go on Female mode this week or next week if possible...haha
this type of thing can't teach one leh
there is no 1101 to cross-dressing
U need to find ur own é£Žæ ¼
Can help?hmm...I just want to try it once
just wear skirt or dress la..
stil must teach??
Don have these things and Make up is a big problem...
anyone can help?Hmm need someone to go shop with me and give some advice
Well...Purple_B...do drop me a sms or a e-mail of how to contact u....91881133
and Lolx...Fag?Well..I do not think i am a Fag...as this is a common intrest to some of us guys and even gals
anymore to go shopping with me?
ask your mother
lolx...Thx Purple_b...Might need your help...Really appriciate it
try asking parn
he's expert at crossdress
u can pm parn to teach you
who is that?
Originally posted by Crossdress:who is that?
U know what is a Y- Factor?
Originally posted by Crossdress:Hi I am a male 19years old soon...Now looking for someone who can help me or teach me how to crossdress...Girls,CD,or TS also can...
Cross dressing?