why? becos of marketing and penetration.
some software, even tho they are good, just never get picked up by the professionals, becos pple are just used to wat they have always been using. even if this *WONDERFUL* software comes out pple will still stick to their old software or the latest versions of the same software they've been using becos they dun wanna waste time learning the new functions and hotkeys etc. not to mention the QUIRKS of each software.
example: colour. if a person has been using photoshop for a while, and used to and trust it's colour tables, they may not wanna risk losing or cocking up a job on a new type of software that reproduces the colour differently. this is esp true for bigger companies where the logo *MUST* be a certain colour etc etc as depicted in their CI (corporate identity)
anyway i'm using photoshop. easiest to learn not becos of the software, but becos of books, online help and the BEST resource, GOOD FRENS in the industry!!