Take note that my posts here are not
cast in stone, I may update/edit previous posts when I have more
up-to-date or accurate information.
I will want to write a conclusive Summary section for this thread by the end of November 2011. Next, it will be a FAQ section in the same thread. If you have any enquiries, just send me a private message (give me one month to reply).
From a linear-timeline perspective, Earth is transforming into a fourth density world and approximately after the year 2030, the planet Earth will be officially designated a fourth density world. Consequently, humanity is also shifting from a third density to a fourth density vibration. All life forms living upon and within Earth must make this shift in order to remian here. Eventually Earth will be become a fifth density planet but that will be much later, probably millions of years later.
From a non-linear timeline perspective, Earth already has seven dimensions of reality existing simultaneously in the Here and Now moment. The passage and portals into these different dimensions rest within one's consciousness.
For example, if you are vibrating at fifth density, you will able to experience fifth density Earth (etheric realm of elementals and nature spirits). The fifth density Earth looks very much like the fourth density Earth except that there is an aura, radiance and shine to everything. There is no disease, no aging and no death.
At this period of time, Ascension is the process of moving from a third, through fourth and into a fifth density consciousness. Your consciousness determines your experience, your vibratory state and what type of vehicle you will use in order to perceive life. For the third and fourth density scenario, the human body is the vehicle you will use to perceive life. For the fifth density scenario, the etheric crystal light body is the vehicle you will use to perceive life.
Once you have ascended to fifth density or higher levels of vibration, you are effectively out of the wheel of reincarnation and can be officially classified as an ascended being.
The estimated number of human population that will evolve into the etheric crystal light bodies in the next 20 years will be between 15~30 million or 0.3% of the world's population.
Souls who have chose not to ascend together with Earth will find ways to exit Earth through physical death and incarnate into other third density planets more suitable for their learning. There are already planets setup to accommodate these souls who are not ready to ascend together with Earth in this lifetime.
The estimated number of human population that will be exiting Earth in this manner in the next 20 years is between 4~5 billion or 75% of the world's population.
Souls who have chose to ascend together with Earth will gather and live together in self-sufficient spiritually enlightened communities of light. The transition period is anything but easy. Some of these enlightened souls will experience a clear cut seperation from their blood families who are still stuck in the third density reality, and in some cases, geting mocked outright and getting disown by their own family members. Family bond runs deep and when both side is aware that this is a permanent and complete seperation (for at least one lifetime), tears will flow on both sides... Whereas the enlightened souls will quickly forgive themselves and forgive all others, those who are stuck in third density will likely hold resentment and regrets for years to come...
The estimated number of human population that will be moving into such communities in the next 20 years is between 1~2 billion or 25% of the world's population.
* I may create a seperate thread regarding creating self-sufficient spiritually enlightened communites on a later date. Currently I do not have have sufficenit information... especially where to start and who should join up.
I can't help man... everytime when this topic gets bump... I have the urge to post...
By the way, Ascension is real . I am very firm and certain about this. There are lots of "evidence" and documents available nowadays. Even if you do not believe anything I wrote, feel free to go do your own research and seek the truth for yourself. sgforums should not be your only source of information regarding ascension, there are lots of information out in the Internet and also in published books.
In science, it is known as "Evolution" and "Mutation" - the way in which genes change and produce permanent differences. It is well known that radiation cause mutation.
In ancient Egypt, Thoth engineered the Great Pyramid and its primary functions were as an ascension chamber and controller of Earth's grid system.
In ancient Chinese teachings, it is known as "得��仙".
In some outdated religous texts, it is known as "Rapture".
The more recent version is known as "Rainbow Light Body Attainment".
The version I know is more specific "Phyiscal Ascension" and its requirements.
Seems like there are still people in sgforums that is not convinced that the whole Earth is changing. There are already several thousands of lightworkers/helpers physically here on Earth to assist humanity in healing and awakening. (There are millions of ET friends, spiritual guides, ascended masters, angels and archangels helping from behind the scene)
I have decided to post some links to videos as they might be useful for triggering a awakening for you. If you have already awaken, please assist to past the information around. (get them to visit this forum, read page 3 onwards)
Enjoy the videos.
I am trying to share information which may or will be of value to everyone. The two astrological events (the Precessional Alignment and the Galactic Shift) mentioned in this thread are confirmed events that will affect all life forms on Earth. Whether you like it or not, believe it or not, it is still happening. This information can increase your "situation awareness".
Once people are aware of the causes of "Earth Changes", then everyone can start to do research on the effects of "Earth Changes", then make wise decisions and make all the necessary preparations for it. This is the ideal situation that I want to achieve.
It is all common sense to me, or you may call it, "planning ahead". If you are aware that your local area is going to experience some heavy storm and flooding (like what happened in Thailand); Are you going to make preparations for it before it happened or do you wait until it happened, then you start taking desperate actions. Are your local fire-fighters all trained, well-eqiuped and on-standby to stop a fire outbreak OR are they going to start gathering people and equipment only when there is a fire outbreak?
How well-prepared you are for the (3 days) of Precessional Alignment in December 2012 will determine the type of experience you will have.
Physically, it is a matter of survival, life and death situation.
Mentally and emotionally, your thoughts and emotions will be amplified many times. If you are still having negative thoughts and emotions during that period, those negative thoughts and emotions shall be amplified many times, resulting in a very nasty experience/shock/death. However, if you are having positive thoughts and emotions during that period, it will feel like a joyful, wonderful celebration to welcome the "New Earth" or 4th density Earth.
Spiritually, choices are made at the soul level to determine whether: one is ready to shift up to next level of consciouness together with Earth OR one is not ready. Souls are aware that Mother Earth will no longer accomodate 3rd density consiousness after the Precessional Alignment. When the soul lessons that it desires can no longer be found here on Earth, souls will find ways to exit Earth.
Assuming that your headaches are not caused by physical injuries/illnesses... it is probably due to resistance/energetic blockages in your crown/third-eye chakra. You may want to listen to the Podcast posted above - THE EMERGING NEW REALITY for more info.
Personally, I no longer have this headache/dizziness problem anymore ever since I got my healing back in year 2010. What I suggest is that either you practice meditation OR you get some energetic healing to clear those resistance to energy. Consuming painkillers/tablets to "fix" such headaches are ineffective based on my personal experience.
If you are asking this question, I will assume that you are already awaken/enlightened but not ready to face the enormous pain and suffering of humanity. I suggest that you should just primarily focus on your own well being (spiritually, mentally and physically strong and prepared) and "Let it be". We should be ready to be mentally detach from the crumbling third density world all around us and not be caught in it.
You may have to understand that everything is really going according to the "Divine Plan", that there is really no random sequence of events going on and on in chaos. That there are natural/universal laws at work and that souls are really getting what they desire. Many souls are young and actually want to continue to learn about war, poverty, misery, suffering, control, oppression, and identificaton with physical materiality. That is why there are several new worlds set up to receive the souls who can no longer match the frequencies of the "New Earth". As souls exit their human bodies, they will reincarnate on these other worlds and continue learning about war, poverty, misery, suffering, control, oppression, and identificaton with physical materiality.
As awaken/enlightened human beings, we will give as much love and compassion as we can. However, we need to be proactive on our spiritual paths, meaning we will need to meditate or engage in holistic healing practices, meet up with positively-oriented people and stay in beautiful natural environments (away from cities). Else, the most likely scenario is that our vibratory level will drop to near the average level of human and our immune system will be weaken, causing us to fall sick.
Originally posted by SoulDivine:The third density world is dying. How should I react to the enormous pain and suffering of humanity?
As awaken/enlightened souls, we will give as much love and compassion as we can. However, we need to be proactive on our spiritual paths, meaning we will need to meditate or engage in holistic healing practices, meet up with positively-oriented people and stay in beautiful natural environments (away from cities). Else, the most likely scenario is that our vibratory level will drop to near the average level of human and our immune system will be weaken, causing us to fall sick.
Aiyoh... dun anyhow anyhow use the word awaken/enlightened leh... it is misleading...
I found an recently channeled message from Gaia (Mother Earth). Will share this.
Watch the video here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9XpARRHUNk&feature=youtu.be
Read the full text from here: http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/message-from-gaia-catastrophic-events.html
Kaoru Nakamaru - Acension Message What Will Happen in December 2012...
Please do not take the "3 days of darkness" literally. (having the real or original meaning of a word or phrase).
She, (Kaoru?Nakamaru?) is probably trying to inform us that there may be 3 days of blackout. (Powergrid disruptions/failures, power outages, no electric supply).
The sun, the moon, the stars are certainly not going to disappear over the weekend.( LOL
poor translation/transmission, she could have just say that the
celestial objects is not visible if you are still hiding in darkness.)
For example, if you hiding in some deep underground/underwater cave/bunker/shelter and the lights went out, then obviously you won't be seeing light (visible light) or the sun,moon or stars for a while.
Another possible example is that you have decided to spend the "3 days of darkness" lying on bed with your eyes shut and hide under the blanket. .
If you are living on the surface, rest assured, the sun and stars will still continue to shine all the time so it is really just a matter of whether you have the ability to look up to the sky or not.
It is best to stick to scientific terms such as : "Precessional Alignment or precession of the equinoxes" when you are informing all the people around you about it.
Regardless of what will exactly happen from end of this year onwards, from the perspective and concerns of an average person with a family, regular job and bills to pay, it will certainly be beneficial to start getting one's life to be as positive as possible.
Improve relationships with people around us, forgive people who have hurt us, take better care of Nature, love the animals around us, share with those in need if we can afford to, etc. If we are facing health and life issues currently, work on them to resolve them asap, time to start living healthily and happily, if we're not already doing so. All this WILL make a significant difference in how life will turn out to be for us, when the massive changes become too large to ignore. Everyone's future will undergo tremendous changes in the near future ahead, and we all have a choice to have a positive or negative future, beginning with how we lead our lives Now in this very moment.
Live Well. Be Well.
Taiwanese Lightworker on Ascension 2012
His blog in chinese.
This message is for all the people living in the South-East Asia region.
If you have have been reading this thread and your local news regularly, you should be more and more aware of what is likely going to happen in your local areas this coming December 2012.
You can do your own self-evaluation and geography/weather research on what is likely to happend and how to be physically prepared for it. Even if you did not gather sufficient scientific data to make an accurate calculation/prediction, your basic common sense and situtation awareness can tell you what you need to prepare for. Just because you do not know exactly when and where the next massive floodings will occur does not mean you cannot be prepared them.
Evaluate and research on the followings:
1. Low-lying coastal cities near sea-level.
2. In your local areas: consider these calculations:
("usual" tropical lightning & thunderstorm" + "seasonal monsoon rain" + "tidal waves/typhoons" + "landslides/soil erosion) + [(Electro-magnetic fluctuations cause by the Precessional Alignment) Multiply by (effects of the electromagnetic null zone caused by the Galactic Shift") = The total effects of Precessional Alignment this coming December 2012
This shall be your homework and I have already done mine.
Originally posted by Metta with Mindfulness:Hi i have recently been monitoring the news on ascension with some interest.
I’m just wondering if the earth is indeed now shifting to a higher frequency, the people on earth should be able to ‘feel it’ somehow.
Let say if there will be shift in Dec 23, 24, 25, how long will this change occur? Overnight?
Dear Metta with Mindfulness and all,
I shall share some of my views, to address your question. There would be many other views by others in this forum, in Singapore and around the world. There is no ONE version of truth that applies to everyone. Everyone will experience the version of truth that is most suitable for his/her stage of evolution, life plan and learning path at any point of time.
To begin with: It's my life purpose to be here on Earth to help with Earth's Ascension Plan, and I've been on this journey for quite some years now, since I awakened and remembered what I'm here for. There are many others like myself, all over the world, and each of us have our own roles to play, as Earth's Ascension Plan is a truly complex Universal 'project' and involves many aspects, on different levels, and preparations for it had begun eons ago. I shall just touch upon some of the human aspect in this post.
Earth's Shift has already been happening for many years, as it is a process that will span decades, not a one-day event in December 2012. But the energy that is coming down to Earth from the Great Central Sun (All-That-Is/Source/God/Prime Creator or whatever name you are comfortable with to mean the ultimate level of Consciousness) is intensifying so the effects will be more obvious as we near December 2012 and beyond.
Among the huge population of Earth, I would personally group them very broadly and roughly into:
a) Those with Life Mission to help: extremely small percentage, who remembered enough of their life mission and are currently carrying them out consciously. They would have already been trained and prepared for it in many of their past lives. This group are volunteers, as they did not need to be reincarnated on Earth in this lifetime, if not for Earth's Ascension.
b) Light Helpers: Relatively small but growing number of Lightworkers, healers, helpers and spiritual teachers. This group involves all nationalities, races, religions, etc, and many are helping without consciously knowing it.
c) Critical Mass of Awakened Souls: Fast growing group, though still considered a minority as compared to total world population. They are now starting to have lots of questions in their mind, about what is happening in the world, what is life really about, etc. This group involves all nationalities, races, religions, etc. Some of them will join group (b) above. This group is the main focus, as how fast this group grows and how long they can stay Awake, will determine how major Earth's changes need to be. If this group is large enough, Earth's changes can be more gradual and less painful for everyone.
d) Anti-Ascension Group: I shall not talk too much about this group here, as it is pretty complex and sensitive. Basically, there are many people who strongly resist Earth's Ascension, either consciously or subconsciously.
e) General Population: Majority of the world population. More of them are awakening and moving to Group (c), as the days pass, and as Earth's frequency rises.
So, back to the question about how people feel as Earth's shifts to higher frequency. It depends on who you ask that question to, and which group they belong to above. :) Generally, people will experience changes in their physical bodies and lives, which can range from slightly uncomfortable to hellish, depending on the condition of their bodies/mind/energy/emotions/karma. Those who have been healing their bodies/mind/energy/emotions/karma will have experienced more gradual adjustments along the way.
As people heal their health/lives, they can reduce their outstanding unresolved issues and karma, and let go of negative baggage, so their vibrational frequencies will rise and they will feel good, blissful, at-peace and more compassionate as they can better adjust to the higher frequency of Earth. For people with low or very low vibrational frequencies, they will find it very hard to adjust to Earth's higher frequencies, and they will somehow feel very 'uncomfortable' in their bodies and lives. If the difference between people's and Earth's frequencies becomes too huge, the outcome will not be an enjoyable one, and can even be considered dangerous.
There's lots more to share on this, but the above info should be sufficient to answer your question. I need to highlight that my grouping above is a very broad one, and there are other groups of Beings involved in Earth's Ascension Plan, that I did not mention. :)
Living Light Universe
Is a secret...
Everybody should!
The incoming energies are very high and your bodies are not used to it !
There has not been such a high frequency on earth, and your collective physical consciousness is not familiar with such strong currents of electromagnetic waves.
...The Ascension process is not only a process that is accelerated by certain appropriate thinking patterns, but also a process that goes much deeper and wider, namely when the brain is relaxed and thereby your; physical and subtle bodies too. The more they are relaxed and open the more they are able to receive the light, which blesses you with deeper revelations of what you truly are.
No wonder I feeling so thirsty these few days... Drink water, rest... toilet ... drink .... rest