yalor radio heart become UFM!
they target @ age btw 25-39 listeners!

so those who r 40 n above, pls tune onto other station such as 958 n 972 or even 988 lor

wonder does this imply to 'artiste' too!

30th Sept will be LAST DAY! really can't bear to see MC leave coz he's always brighten my work'g days.
RADIO HEART soon become a history!

'ai diao' 24hrs!
2nd Oct, u 'll hear nothing but only songssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
3rd Oct, UFM launch! stated in the press, there 'll be a 'shen mi' Dj n it 'll be reveal @ christmas. how nice if it's Tao zi

let's wait n see lor