Aoshi, please dun get angry okay!
cos' tt email was send by me even the whole thing was draft by me.
cos' i listened to his programme today, noticed 'tt some old listeners only managed to know where he is by today.
listeners also suggested 'tt he need to do an add so 'tt those who missed his host'g can join him.
i'm so sorry if i caused you all the inconvenience, cos' i dunnoe 'tt u r not one of his listener. and this goes to all those who i had emailed. huijun apologised to everyone. pls dun blame him cos' wasn't informed at all. it's all my idea! just delete it if u find it disgusting!

Aoshi, i got nothing better to do liao! so i'm really a big bo liao

[This message has been edited by huijun (edited 18 April 2001).]