I remembered years ago, I just had my dinner and one of my bosses, called me at home. Minutes later I was back at work, struggling with budgets, presentations etc, etc. We worked hard for almost 4 hours before we had supper and this was rewarding - taking breaks in between - we went back to work after that and I never got home till 3am. And my boss after sending me back, she stayed back in the workplace to complete the tailends.
This happened yearly - thank goodness not everyday! No matter how stressful that day would be, we took it step-by-step. We had choices - to forgo the whole idea or just leave it to others - we choose to do it stat!
It may not be easy to relax and breathe in between a tedious schedule - it may not be easy to make a choice - it may not be easy too to balance work and your life, your environment.
I could understand YM's cries and I am sure YM and all of us know that these are stressful and they seem so unbearable, but at the end of it, when you see the result, you'll be able to tell yourself, "I've made it at my best", strike a pose. If it is not the exact response, do not brood over it, it's not the end and we'll learn how to make a better grade.
I think we would welcome anyone who has their woes and cries and needed a place to 'talk', come over here at MeiCaiKouRou (all thanks to CCL), I guess the friends here would be able to 'virtually', and of course spiritually supporting YOU.