By Tim Stanley Last updated: January 8th, 2013
Alex Jones appeared on Piers Morgan’s show last night to explain why Piers should be deported from the US. Jones is a Right-wing radio star who deals in wide-eyed conspiracy theories of the “Queen Elizabeth is a Communist Lizard” variety. So, predictably, Jones brought on the crazy. Some highlights:
1. The US government is killing everyone with suicide pills, otherwise known as “Prozac”
2. Britain is something between an anarchy (“you have hordes of people burning down cities and beating old women’s brains out everyday”) and a police state (“they arrest people in England if they defend themselves”)
3. Barack Obama is building himself up to an all-out war against the suckers who voted for him (“the government buys 1.6 billion bullets, armoured vehicles, tanks, helicopters, predator drones, armed now in US skies, being used to arrest people in North Dakota”)
4. The only people in the world capable of resisting the New World Order tyranny are those with guns. According to Jones, that leaves America and Switzerland – surely the strangest, most useless alliance for liberty ever concocted. “You’ll take my Swiss Army Knife from ma cold dead hands…”
I’ve written before that conspiracies often reflect interesting things about the culture that produces them, but that shouldn’t deflect from their basic insanity.
Alex Jones is a fruit loop, pure and simple – and proof that he’s a fruit loop is that he doesn’t realise he’s a fruit loop.
The mad are mad because they do mad things but don’t think it’s mad to do them: most insane people operate by a rational order of their very own. Jones’ rambling, shouting, pointing and victorious asides are symptoms of a man who thinks he’s winning his fight with Morgan simply by turning up. His face reads, “I’m really blowing their minds back home right now!” Alas, the only truly blown mind is Mr Jones’.
But anger at this segment should not be directed at the demented augur of the New World Order. It should be directed at Piers Morgan. There are plenty of sane, articulate pro-gun people out there that he could have interviewed – so why give airtime to Jones? True, Morgan has spoken with Larry Pratt, Ann Coulter and others. But it's almost slander against conservatives to suggest that Jones is a legitimate spokesman for mainstream libertarianism. Indeed, there’s little justification for having Jones on the show other than he makes Morgan look good by comparison – and conservatives bad by association. This is the first debate that Piers has hosted that he’s definitively won. And that’s largely because Jones never lets him speak.
Although, his guest does land a couple of punches. For instance: “Everybody is fleeing [Britain] because — you’ve had to flee, bud. Yeah, you fled here. Why don’t you go back and face the charges for the hacking scandal?” Ouch.
Hysterical right wing nutcase Alex Jones rant with Piers Morgan On Gun Control Live On CNN
What do we know about mood disorders?
Piers Morgan discusses with guests on U.S gun control and the bullying of ultra right-wing gun nut Alex Jones
Help me sign this white house petition to create more awareness and support for U.S gun control and to reject right wing gun fanatics in the U.S:
Help to spread this petition around. Thanks.
Understanding the psychology of U.S southern ultra right-wing fanatics like Alex Jones:
EnlargeA Confederate flag flies outside the South Carolina State House. (Credit: Reuters/Chris Keane)
In understanding the polarization and paralysis that afflict national politics in the United States, it is a mistake to think in terms of left and right. The appropriate directions are North and South. To be specific, the long, drawn-out, agonizing identity crisis of white Southerners is having effects that reverberate throughout our federal union. The transmission mechanism is the Republican Party, an originally Northern party that has now replaced the Southern wing of the Democratic Party as the vehicle for the dwindling white Southern tribe.
As someone whose white Southern ancestors go back to the 17th century in the Chesapeake Bay region, I have some insight into the psychology of the tribe. The salient fact to bear in mind is that the historical experience of the white South in many ways is the opposite of the experience of the rest of the country.
Mainstream American history, from the point of view of the white majority in the Northeast, Midwest and West Coast, is a story of military successes. The British are defeated, ensuring national independence. The Confederates are defeated, ensuring national unity. And in the 20th century the Axis and Soviet empires are defeated, ensuring (it is hoped) a free world.
The white Southern narrative — at least in the dominant Southern conservative version — is one of defeat after defeat.
First the attempt of white Southerners to create a new nation in which they can be the majority was defeated by the U.S. Army during the Civil War.
Doomed to be a perpetual minority in a continental American nation-state, white Southerners managed for a century to create their own state-within-a-state, in which they could collectively lord it over the other major group in the region, African-Americans. But Southern apartheid was shattered by the second defeat, the Civil Rights revolution, which like the Civil War and Reconstruction was symbolized by the dispatching of federal troops to the South. The American patriotism of the white Southerner is therefore deeply problematic. Some opt for jingoistic hyper-Americanism (the lady protesteth too much, methinks) while a shrinking but significant minority prefer the Stars and Bars to the Stars and Stripes.
The other great national narrative holds that the U.S. is a nation of immigration, a “new nation,” a melting pot made up of immigrants from many lands. While the melting pot story involves a good deal of idealization, it is based on demographic fact in the large areas of the North where old-stock Anglo-Americans are commingled with German-Americans, Polish-Americans and Irish-Americans, along with more recent immigrant diasporas from Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
Michael Lind is the author of Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States and co-founder of the New America Foundation.