More evidence the China despots will torture the children to glorify themselves....
How do you think the real singer (on the right) feels, being condemned like that?
eh, Pay and Pay is no better OK.
Originally posted by Fantagf:eh, Pay and Pay is no better OK.
Pay and Pay
Propaganda and Propaganda
Pathetic and Pathetic
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Pay and Pay
Propaganda and Propaganda
Pathetic and Pathetic
Pui and Pui
Pain Ass Party
the two girls r paid handsomely for singing the song. U consider tat as torture ?
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Let's hope that the despots do not disgrace Chinese people worldwide even more in the second week. Tonight in table tennis it will be China gold and China, silver (with Singapore faking it.)
damn right you are. 2 more medals for china
PAP got alot of meanings..
How about i-love-flings's Piak and Piak
lol. Soon Singapore gonna be the next China?
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
More evidence the China despots will torture the children to glorify themselves....
How do you think the real singer (on the right) feels, being condemned like that?
she was just told she's not good enough. she wasn't condemned til the rest of us all knew what was going on, so who condemned her? she was just another unknown kid in a sea of millions til somone decided to unearth her story and splash it all over the world.
who knows, her reply might be straight from her heart, maybe she did feel that its still an honour to at least have her voice used.
but at the end of the day she's being turned into a pitiful "ugly" kid to be used as "more evidence the China despots will torture the children to glorify themselves" in a singaporean forum
and the thing is, both of them are condemned, years down the road people are still going to point at them and talk behind their backs.......... kinda like nyp tammy
Originally posted by oldbreadstinks:she was just told she's not good enough. she wasn't condemned til the rest of us all knew what was going on, so who condemned her? she was just another unknown kid in a sea of millions til somone decided to unearth her story and splash it all over the world.
who knows, her reply might be straight from her heart, maybe she did feel that its still an honour to at least have her voice used.
but at the end of the day she's being turned into a pitiful "ugly" kid to be used as "more evidence the China despots will torture the children to glorify themselves" in a singaporean forum
and the thing is, both of them are condemned, years down the road people are still going to point at them and talk behind their backs.......... kinda like nyp tammy
"so who condemned her?"
Are you really that blur? Of course the people that decided she was bad looking and replaced her condemned her looks.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
look, they didn't condemn her looks, thats a very strong word. they rejected using her looks for the ceremony. what they did wasn't very humane but the worst part about this affair is life carries on and now the whole world knows.
its one thing to fall down. its another to fall down and get caught on tape and replayed for everyone else's viewing pleasure
thats what i meant . so i ask again, who do you think condemned her?
Originally posted by oldbreadstinks:look, they didn't condemn her looks, thats a very strong word. they rejected using her looks for the ceremony. what they did wasn't very humane but the worst part about this affair is life carries on and now the whole world knows.
its one thing to fall down. its another to fall down and get caught on tape and replayed for everyone else's viewing pleasure
thats what i meant . so i ask again, who do you think condemned her?
"fall down and get
caught on tape" like some sort of accident?
This was cold calculated fakery to try to fool the world. If they did not condenm her looks, they would not have replaced her.
Originally posted by stupidissmart:My god....... is tat him
yup, definitely....
also, please ask him about his so-called book, and why the book was never published.
the sampling of his work is some letters to the newspaper - which really is no big deal 'cos I also have letters published in the various newspaper also.
Originally posted by eagle:Andrew
what does that cert mean ah? Never learn that language before leh
actually you can get someone who understand Thai to translate that quite easily. fact is, it is a certificate of attendance, regardless of what he says....
also, his other credentials? system integrator..... so go figure....
... and everytime he post with a link to an article - it's his own.... at the sintercom website.
basically not many people agrees with him and any other cross reference is his own.
plus, all the declaration of support for the opposition amounts only to ranting in sgforums.
andrew, put your money where your mouth is - join the opposition openly!
For the benefit of those who may not understand Thai:
....obviously the simplest way to debunk this is to have someone who knows Thai and have this re-translated.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Not really, I am use to this type of typical running dogs behavior... and that is a certificate from Thailand, winner of a REAL Olympic GOLD, not a medal by fakery.
thailand? oh, you mean the country with the fake girls?
and the fake goods at Chatuchak and MBK?
and the fake prime minister?
Originally posted by Chin Eng:For the benefit of those who may not understand Thai:
....obviously the simplest way to debunk this is to have someone who knows Thai and have this re-translated.
You lie that it is simply "a certificate of attendance".
In the translation you provided, it says below my name, "have participate and be certified"; meaning, "have taken part in the training and certified to have passed the exam" and you can be so idiotic as to provide something to prove that you are a congenital liar.
hahahaha... I guess the lesson you learnt from your pastor on Sunday, yesterday, besides affirming your delusions is to teach you how to lie.
Is it any wonder you are so supportive of the fakery that is going on at the Olympics? hahahahaha...
Please tell us which Methodist church you attend so that we can avoid it like the plague. hahaha...
Do you teach your children to pray every night,
"Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray thee lord me lies to keep
and if my lies are caught
I pray thee lord my sanity to take."
hahahahahaha... unrepentant congenital liar, caught so many times and you still persist. I guess you enjoy being a lying fool. I hope that your children are reading this and know that they have a lying fool for a father and reject the delusions you are trying to sell them.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
hahahahahaha... unrepentant congenital liar, caught so many times and you still persist. I guess you enjoy being a lying fool. I hope that your children are reading this and know that they have a lying fool for a father and reject the delusions you are trying to sell them.
if i am an unrepentant congenital liar, how do you know that I am really a methodist???
Originally posted by Chin Eng:
if i am an unrepentant congenital liar, how do you know that I am really a methodist???haha
Hear that statement from your ex-moderator, sillyme and all the other delusionals from ~EH~? It is time you people wake up from your delusions.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Hear that statement from your ex-moderator, sillyme and all the other delusionals from ~EH~? It is time you people wake up from your delusions.
ha ha you are not only a nutcase, but funny as well!
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:Errors..
Anyway, here it is again
I did not bother to watch the Olympics opening but apparently there was this little china girl singing her heart out the Chinese National anthem but the problem is, it was a FAKE job. She was not the one singing.
Cut into table tennis and for once, since the British run Singapore developed a local talent good enough to win an Olympic medal, there is a chance of a medal except that it is a FAKE job.
and it gets funnier.....
quotation below taken from the same funny newsintercom website by k81:
"Extremely weird that you have to adopt various nicknames for yourself just to publish your comments when it's obvious that you are the same person.
I think your hatred of the government has made you contemptible of everything that is Singapore. Which is pretty true of some of the opposition parties and why the electorate find nothing in common with them."
.... of course, some of us already know that this is even true in sgforums..... ha ha
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:Errors..
Anyway, here it is again
I did not bother to watch the Olympics opening but apparently there was this little china girl singing her heart out the Chinese National anthem but the problem is, it was a FAKE job. She was not the one singing.
Cut into table tennis and for once, since the British run Singapore developed a local talent good enough to win an Olympic medal, there is a chance of a medal except that it is a FAKE job.
hi Andrew,u probably not read Sunday Times yesterday that
was born in Swatow,China.
Where did u,parents ,grandparents ,great--grandparents ...born?
Dunt politicalise the FT issue.
Except Malay,all others are off springs of FT.
All Australians,i mean non--Aborginals,are FT.U all know where do they
come from and the reasons,right?